Content Warning

Character Content Warning

This character profile has been marked with a content warning:


When you view my characters, make sure to expect...

  • Sexual themes & nudity and suggestive poses etc.
  • Slight gore & blood
  • Mentions of emotional/drug/alcohol abuse
  • Morally ambiguous characters
  • Depictions of illness

 Stuff I allow 

  • Headcanons of my OC’s are fine, but don’t treat them as the actual canon.
  • Fanart/fanfic involving my characters
  • Suggestion for scenarios etc. of my characters through CuriousCat (link in profile)

 Stuff I don't allow 

  • Using my characters for roleplay, anywhere
  • Making fetish art of my characters, that I don't approve of
  • Kin my characters
  • Use my characters for anything, including but not limited to tracing, copying, recolouring, plagiarism.
  • Demand anything from me.


Characters might be depicted as minors in some scenarios, but I DO NOT condone child abuse in any way or form. All my characters are canonically adults (unless stated otherwise).
I do not condone any illegal or immoral acts that may be depicted or described.
All content on my pages are object to change, please keep that in mind.
I own all rights to my characters. You may not claim them as your own.
Any coincidence to real life is simply a coincidence and not in any way intentional.

Code by MCDogWarrior

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