
8 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info






Cold and Quiet


Tangerine Champagne


The Saltwater Leagues (Leader)


Vito always had a very protective side to his nature. From a very young age, the birth of his sister made him realize there was a real importance in protecting others. So when an evil gang appeared to kill his parents over a conflict, Vito was devastated. He has memories of running to his dying parents, swinging his tail and growling, trying to scare off the intruders. They only laughed at him and left his parents for dead.
Vito didn't let it break him. He did a lot of growing up in that moment, and resolved himself to make sure nothing could ever happen to his remaining family. However, as fate would have it, the very same gang came back a few years later, having waited until Vito's sweet, purple sister would be old enough to not need extensive care, and they kidnapped her. Vito was powerless, and heartbroken. But despite the constant waves of misfortune that seemed to crash on him, he recovered once again, and trained his body and mind so that he could bring himself up in shark society rankings. He founded a gang, partly to build numbers so he could have revenge, but also to fill a gap in his heart; Vito lost his family, and he wanted to build a new one, at least until he got his true family back.


[Gang info]
The Saltwater Leagues are a rare semi-positive force in the shark world. Lead by Vito, the initial purpose of the group was simply to be an opposing force to the Dreadnoughts. But Vito has since found another purpose through organizing the gang; a place for young misfit sharks to be. There is a large population of strong but wayward shark youth that need nothing more than a place to belong, and Vito offers this with his gang. He takes care of them and makes sure they have a place to rest their fins at night, in exchange for help in tracking down and taking out the gang that kidnapped his sister. The group is ever expanding, and has a nice team so far;
Vito is the motivational leader of the group. Despite his cold and quiet temperament, he is full of inspiration for sharks who need a place to belong. Coming from straight off the streets himself, his life is a success story, and others aspire to it as well. He is a strong leader and fighter, and hopes to instill that in others.