


1 year, 4 months ago



Name Alys Shen Zima
Called Als
Age August 29 | Unknown
Gender Cis Female | she/her
Species Connemara 80% Mythical 20%
Status Deseased
Sexuality Bisexual
Medical Conditions ADHD (Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder)

Alys was abandoned when she was born as horses and gods cannot live among each other nor breed and create a mixed newborn. Alys's parents abandoned her at birth and she was taken in by the Zima Bloodline, specifically Juniper and Pedro Zima. After that, she found herself and lives happily with her new family, forgetting her cowardly parents. Hailey was her new love, and she had a tragically early death to her forever love.


  • reading
  • talking
  • napping
  • nature


  • politics
  • machines
  • internet
  • abandonment


Alys is a warmhearted mare and always is gentle when with her herd. She stays close and looks up to Juniper. Because she is shorter and younger than Juniper, she looks up to her as a motherly figure. Over the years, Juniper realizes the mythical genes and the immortality in Alys's blood.


Alys is a dark red chestnut bay leopard appaloosa that stands at 12.2 hands. She is easily recognizable for her long straight hair and her wavy pair of horns on her head. There is not a single speck of white on her body, the appaloosa in her was inverted to a more of a dark freckle gene rather than white specks. Her dark freckles strive throughout her body and her deep red eyes pierce through her forelock.


Alys is one special girl, Juniper saw how much it made sense when she discovered ALys had ADHD, she was clearly the definition of ADHD. Her having a short attention span and her talking about twenty different conversation and topics within a record time of five minutes blew Juniper's mind. She never gets tired of Alys talking, so Alys saw comfort in the fact that she will never leave because of something she cannot fully control. She can truly be herself around Juniper.


Alys's parents were unknown to the Zima bloodline. No one knew exactly who they were or the possibility of which god broke the law of being in love with a mortal. Because of that, it jepordized the newborn, Alys, to suffer for thie mistakes. They were cowards on abandoning Alys and fleeing rather than keeping her and hiding her. Or even owning up to their mistakes and stand up agaisnt the Gods and laws so they can keep Alys. It is a shame, but the results were beneficial as Alys has found her forever home and comfortablity with the Zima bloodline.



Pedro Zima [ Older Step-Brother ]

Alys sees Pedro as a big brother rather than a fatherly figure. His goofiness and immaturity over the years cannot escape even after he had kids. Alys respects him but loves to play around with him when she can.


Juniper Ju Zima [ Older Step-Sister ]

Alys saw Juni in a mother figure way, but Juni demands to call her sister. Being called anything remotely close to "mother" made Juni cringe that she is seen as an "old rag" when she is single and young.


Hailey [ Significant Other ]

Hailey was Alys' light, star, sun, moon. They met unexpectedly but couldn't seperate after their first meeting. Their years together were short when Alys passed away during illness. Their love is true and Alys will always watch over Hailey.

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