Ash Thantos



1 year, 29 days ago


Age: 22

Birthday: September 14th

Height: 5' 10" (178 cm)

Quick Bio:

He's a descendant of the God of Darkness known as Thantos, who is now primarily known for being that one corrupted god that threatened to take over the Realm of Light on multiple occasions (which Leon stopped each time). Ash being a descendant of this mad god immediately set him up with a bad reputation, and many feared he would follow in his ancestor's footsteps, but he proved them all wrong by becoming something of a local hero and is just all around a good guy. There's nothing he hates more than people assuming the worst in others, and is the type to seek getting to know someone first before judging them.


He's brash, hotheaded and a bit of a flirt, always enjoying a good tease or prank at someone's expense (though he's careful not to take things too far). Despite this, he's surprisingly bashful and can get flustered quite easily, especially when you compliment him out of nowhere, he's still not used to that, having grown up with most people hating him.


He was born with the powers of a god at his disposal, parts of it that is. The Powers of Darkness are the direct opposite of the Power of Light, where Light is fast and passive, Darkness is slow and punishing. Darkness manifests itself as a dark mist that envelops the caster, covering them in a shroud of dark purple fog that can materialize into beams of lightning, harden into blades and much more, the Powers of Darkness are not to be trifled with. Ash uses these powers in tandem with dual wielded blades, allowing him to harness Darkness and deal massive damage to any who find themselves unfortunate enough to be his enemy. In addition to all of that, Ash can also tap into his Godlike heritage and transform himself into a manifestation of the Supreme God of Darkness, going all out with great fury befitting that of a legendary deity.


Leon Neo - "The man himself! He helped me out of a confusin' part of my life, despite how I tried killin' him like three times or somethin', what a guy! Though I really think he should try workin' out with me some time, get some meat on those bones of his!"

Lucy Candescia - "She's a strong gal, though I think she might have been a bit scared of me at first. I'm glad she ain't anymore though, I feel like I could talk to her about anything!"

Chloe Athenia - "Heh, total babe, am I right? Not even the ice queen herself was immune to my charms! But she's not just a cute face, she's actually kinda terrifyin', and I love it! The kind of girl who doesn't take any sorta crap from anybody, its easy to see why I fell for her."

Elliot Florasoul - "This tall bastard sure knows his way around a fight, and at first I thought he was just gonna be some stuck up, pretentious dweeb about it, but it turns out Elliot is a genuinely nice guy. Hangin' out with him is pretty chill, and he's taught me a few things about bein' a gentleman and all that, I like him."

Mila Rita - "And I thought Chloe was scary at first, Mila's got her beat in the intimidation department. I feel like I can't do anything in front of Mila or I'll get a lecture about 'behavin' properly' and all that, but at the end of the day, I think she's alright, definitely gotta loosen up a bit though!"

Mitsuru Ammia - "I would say I'm shocked Mitsuru managed to fall in love with Mila, but people say that about me and Chloe all the time, so these two get a pass. Mitsuru's definitely the smartest person I know, this chick really knows her stuff."

Nina Elizabelle - "Leon's girlfriend, and the ONLY person who's stronger than me, but don't go tellin' her I admitted that! I don't care how strong she is, I will beat her in an arm wrestle one of these days! Oh but, I guess if we're bein' serious, Leon's snagged himself a winner, Nina's no joke."

Ari Kijo - "Wait she's here!? Uh- I mean- Listen, I've been told a lot of stories about some creepy evil witch that's been livin in the Realm of Darkness for who knows how long, gives me the chills like nothin' else..."

Kue Feathertop - "This kid, lemme tell ya, they're the coolest little kid you'll ever meet. Such a tiny thing bein' able to cast magic like that is plain impressive, and they let me throw em around like a ball! Hahaha... yeah, Mila HATED that, broke a window once... I uh, was stuck in my room for a whole week... worth it!"

Demi D. Shiva - "The demon eh? Yeah I don't really get her deal, I was told not to look into her eyes, but like- why would I? I already got Chloe, and her eyes are prettier than anyone's!"vvvvv

Seraphine Soralas - "This chick and her boyfriend sure are weird... wait are they datin'? They sure stick around each other a whole damn lot. Either way, Seraphine's a force to be reckoned with, I dig it."

Alistair - "Another tall guy who doesn't know much about the world... strange how that just happens. Well he sure likes Seraphine a lot, tends to go on about how he has to protect her and all that, and he talks like some old knight dude, maybe he and Elliot know each other?"

Alice Heart - "I've only been told about her and what she's done, but it seems like this chick is real unhinged, someone's gotta put her down. Seraphine says she can help her, but how exactly is the one question she can't answer... but I guess I ain't one to judge considering my past. We'll just have to see what happens."

Likes: Talking, working out, headbanging to rock music

Dislikes: Overly-nice people, assumptions, being wrong

Random Fact: He used to be as thin as a twig, but since meeting Chloe, he felt he needed to become physically stronger to protect her, and also impress her... Ok it was mostly to impress her.