Alice Heart



1 year, 29 days ago




NAME: Alice Heart
AGE: 21



SPECIES: Dark Realm Human
HEIGHT: 5' 7" (171cm)
DOB: October 31st, 2002

She lovess dressing in very expensive clothing, and is especially tied to street punk/rocker fashion, anything leather suits her perfectly
Her Shadow Soul always reflects whatever she looks like, so it will be wearing whatever outfit Alice currently has on, though completely black
Her eyes will glow with a bright red when she uses her Power of Darkness to manifest her Shadow Soul


Let's tear 'em apart!


Don't hold back, MAKE ME BLEED!


An average upper class girl who has since become psychotic thanks to one fateful meeting with a wicked goddess known as the Shadow Queen. Alice was once a rich, condescending pretty girl who didn't give anyone the time of day, but now she's the leader of her own criminal gang, the Blackhearts, and has abandoned her privileged life of luxury, instead making her own wonderland in this world.

As leader of this fiendish organization, she's been the cause of several strings of crimes. From robbery, arson, kidnapping and even murder, it doesn't seem like there's any line Alice wouldn't cross, her shattered mind has unleashed all the evil within her soul. This is quite literal too, as the Shadow Queen "blessed" her with the ability to manifest her Shadow Soul, a clone of her that embodies all the chaos and violence within her, together this duo is nightmarish, and above all... bloodthirsty.



  • Fire
  • Violence
  • Loud Music


  • Rules
  • Losing
  • Boring People

Alice is a true wildcard, her erradtic nature makes her dangerously unpredictable. One minute she could be calm and relaxed, and the next she'll be smashing something against a wall (usually a person if she gets her hands on someone). She's a big fan of insults too, annoying people and seeing them get angry is one of her favorite hobbies. To her few friends however, her insults are a bit more playful and border on flirtatious at times. Along with all of this she's extremely egotistical, her confidence in herself knows no bounds, and is more than willing to voice her superiority to others. The fact that she can back up all this talk with her terrifying Power of Darkness makes her the perfect gang leader. Another detail worth mentioning is that due to her privledged upbringing, her parents made sure to send her to only the best schools in the Realm, and as a result, Alice is actually far more intelligent than she leads on.




Alice's best friend and right hand woman for the Blackhearts. Annika is the only one who can keep Alice in line, and is extremely loyal to her. Before the two came into contact with the Shadow Queen, they were inseperable, and there are moments where Alice will seem to regain her sanity, and only Annika has seen these glimpses of the real Alice, the one she had known for years before all this madness. Alice never remembers these moments of lucidity, but she does know one thing for sure, she loves Annika with all her heart, and not even her shattered mind can forget that.



A witch from the Realm of Light that Alice took a shine too, Lola was the first official recruit for the Blackhearts (and the only one to not be kidnapped). Lola had also come into contact with the Shadow Queen, which is why Alice was so drawn to her, she sensed her Power of Darkness and knew she needed to have her join the gang. Lola doesn't like Alice much, but Lola doesn't really like anyone, she's far too obsessed with her arcane studies to care about anything else. Despite this, Alice sees Lola as a great friend and finds her constant threats to be both amusing and arousing.



A Munari woman Alice kidnapped to join the Blackhearts. She sensed her Power of Darkness and was sure that Wendy had also met the Shadow Queen, so without hesitation, Alice knocked her out and dragged her back to the Blackhearts hideout, where a very angry wolf girl wanted answers. A small conversation and brief scuffle later, Alice managed to convince Wendy that the Blackhearts was where she needed to be, a gang that can do whatever it wants with no limits and the promise to be away from people was enough to satisfy Wendy. Alice loves Wendy for her aloof and intimidating personality, that and she also likes staring at her in a rather... disrespectful manner.

MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE - Thank You for the Venom