hiya! first I want to say this profile is super nice for a first time user (such as myself lol), it's simple but conveys a lot in a neat and understandable way, so kudos to you 
however, I seem to be having an issue with the second/alt image  appearing before the first image and it only appears when I switch to  the second and back to the first. I'm unsure if this is something on my  part since I'm fairly new to HTML code or not, I can DM more details if need be! here's the character

Hi! It's so cool to hear that, thank you!!

As for the problem, try turning on WYSIWYG to edit the profile, press the nsfw button, then main, and then save the profile while on the main tab (button), it should fix it

that did the trick! thank you so much!


Hello! I'm using this code for my oc here but for some reason I'm having trouble with getting the alt 1 image to show. it only shows after switching to alt 2 and then back to alt 1 (I can pm you the filled out code if need be)

Hi! uh, the pics look fine on the link you sent me? One is of your pink pony oc and the other one is toyhouse icon25816213?1707966995

ah, nevermind then heh ^^;; sorry

no worries lol

I love this code sm!! However, one question: how do I add more relationships (like more than 2 characters) to the section without it breaking?

Copy everything in here and paste it as another relationship, should work


It worked! Thank you, I'll link my character when I'm done coding :]

can't wait!

She's in the ic! Her profile isn't 100% but its enough to make public!

oh I love that!! :0

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Hi! Of course, frankensteining is allowed ^^

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Using for my mlp sonas it’s so nice

glad u think so!!

Thank you, very good css i will use it for my pony characters

I'm glad!

hi! im having trouble adding more relationship spots, and modifying how many hearts/stars there are for each relationship

there's 5 hearts/stars to fill in

<i class="far fa-heart"></i> is empty heart

<i class="fa fa-heart"></i> is full heart
you just gotta change the fa to far or vice versa, same with stars

and to add a relationship just copy everything starting from <!----- RELATIONSHIP ------> to ending with another <!----- RELATIONSHIP ------>

if you need any more clarification you can PM me ^^

This is a very nice code! I've been wanting to find a good MLP code for so long that I personally like and this is the one! But it seems as the images don't seem to be working? Everytime I insert a link it never appears on the code. Unsure if I am doing something wrong or its the code it self

could you PM me the filled out code?

I sadly had deleted it but I would say it goes with any attempt of using the code since even here it doesn't show the pinkie images if it had any? (cuz the thumbnail has images of her)

oh, the Pinkie Pie pics are just on the preview

the image's link is https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/characters/21182242?168199722

the first image should be in this line of code:


Oh alright, but yeah it is how it should be added but it doesn't show either way, the only one that works is the cutie mark box


does it also do that if you copy and paste the code again??

how does the blank pic looks like exactly? (you can put a screenshot in the comment) 

7 Replies

I absolutely LOVE this code!!! Thanks so much for making it!!   

glad to hear that!!

omggg this is amazing i was actually trying to look for an mlp code today, definitely gonna use this in the future!!

glad to hear so!!