Comments on MLP Profile Code【F2U】 All Comments

hiya! first I want to say this profile is super nice for a first time user (such as myself lol), it's simple but conveys a lot in a neat and understandable way, so kudos to you 
however, I seem to be having an issue with the second/alt image  appearing before the first image and it only appears when I switch to  the second and back to the first. I'm unsure if this is something on my  part since I'm fairly new to HTML code or not, I can DM more details if need be! here's the character

Hi! It's so cool to hear that, thank you!!

As for the problem, try turning on WYSIWYG to edit the profile, press the nsfw button, then main, and then save the profile while on the main tab (button), it should fix it

that did the trick! thank you so much!
