
1 year, 19 days ago



In’Game Description:

|| Tau is a Silk’wing Web Spinner | They would spend all day in the webs connected between the hives, fixing them | On some days they ran a shop at Jewel hive, and often went into the Glitter Bazaar | They can be quite quiet, but very caring toward dragons | they are very skilled with there webs ||


19 years


Female : She/They






A mostly grey Silk’Wing with fades to purple in their arms and tail
Their wings are a beautiful saturated blue and purple with white dapples in them
They wear woven silk anklet given to them by their parents shortly before they got their wings.
When they go to the Glitter Bazaar, they often adorn their head with pale blue silk. This silk winds around their horns and falls down. They also wear dyed silk curled along their wings and connects at the back with a large loop of metal. This makes it difficult for them to fly, but as they are at the Glitter Bazaar it doesn’t matter.
Around their neck they wear a necklace with old flame’silk that had long gone out. This was given to them by Centipede, as he no longer wanted it anymore. Tau only wears this with Centipede around, as they have gotten accused of stealing it before, and was only saved when Centipede spotted them.




-Believe that good things come to those who follow the rules and work hard


-Doesn’t argue with the head Hive’Wings and is extremely respectful, to the point where they could take away her shop and they wouldn’t do anything in the fear of consequences


-Centipede (As a friend)
-Honey drops
-Weaving silk
-Running their stall
-Visiting their parents


-Most Hive’Wings
-Book of Clear’Sight


-The Hive’Wing stall guards
-Queen Wasp
-Water/getting wet


Was born to two loving parents, but was separated shortly after they got their wings to Jewel’Hive
They were promptly taught how to be a web’spinner, and took a job along the webs


They worked along the webs for many years, and here they gained most of their friends. The most memorable of these was a chatty and kind Hive’Wing named Centipede. Centipede was the one that gave Tau the idea to start a shop, and so that’s how Tau started their silk shop. Every other day, when they could get away, they would go to the edge of the hive to their shop, and would spin silk. This proved to be a successful business as many Hive’Wings need silk for basic living and so Tau lived a comfortable life. Of course because they are a Silk’Wing, they were often disadvantaged and at one point nearly had to sell their shop. They don’t get to keep some of their scales that they earn, and it is instead payed to ‘Silk’Wing Tax’. As much as Tau hates this, if they want to keep their stall they need to comply with rules.
Some days, Tau visits the Glitter Bazaar, often accompanied by Centipede and their mutual friends. They had great times here and loves to dress for the occasion. Most of the time Tau made their outfits, but sometimes if they had excess scales, they bought outfits.
When the chrysalis started gathering Silk’Wings to take overseas, Tau joined them to escape. They were distraught at the thought of leaving Centipede, but he had already been taken by the other’mind and was being used at the jungle. They took refuge at Sanctuary, where they now live with others in a large mud’brick building. Here they live with Lorikeet and others. They help with running the stalls and they sell their silk. They are happy here, but miss Centipede terribly and can’t wait till they get to see eachother again.