

Name FeatherFawn
Past Name/s FeatherKit, FeatherPaw
Gender Cisgender


Sexuality Asexual


Age 38 Moons
Designer UNKNOWN
Theme Song N/A
Value $30.00


Rank Medicine Cat

Past Rank/s -- Kit, Medicine Cat Apprentice

Clan MeadowClan
Mentor SpecklePool
Apprentice/s N/A
Parent 1 Unknown
Parent 2 Unknown
Sibling/s HoneyTree
Kit/s N/A


[ HoneyTree ] Sister/Littermate

Best friends, and even better sisters. These two are thick as thieves, although FeatherFawn doesn't appreciate her tail being stepped on constantly.

"HoneyTree quit stepping on my tail! Just cause you want to help doesn't mean my tail is for your standing!"

FeatherFawn is the current medicine cat of MeadowClan, and takes her role seriously. She occassionally lets her sister help her, mostly to keep her from bugging the other warriors with her boredom. She is kind-hearted and sweet, despite her whining about her sisters habit of standing too close for comfort.

FeatherKit was the more rambunctious kit of her litter. She constantly was found outside running around and playing with the warriors tails while they talked. Most didn't mind it, but some were annoyed. Once she was 4 moons however, she saw a very injured warrior being brought into the Medicine den. Being a nosy kit she followed behind. She noticed the cat looking around in a spooked way. She came up beside her and curled up out of the Medicine cats way. This seemed to calm the injured cat, so SpeckledPool didn't protest to the company. It was from that day forward she wanted to help others. She seemed to mellow out as well, her rambunctious attitude less noticeable.

When she turned 6 moons old, she was lucky enough to be apprenticed to SpeckledPool. She was overjoyed to become a medicine cat. So the newly apprenticed FeatherPaw followed her mentor constantly. She was very good at calming people, and showed promise with herbs.

She remembers her first visit to the MoonPool well. She didn't know all these new cats scents, and was very unnerved at first. She didn't feel too comfortable. Once they sat down and talked, she seemed to calm as they started to talk with StarClan. Her first impression on StarClan was not that exciting. She just got to wander about in a small area as a kit approached her and played with her. This kit, unknown to her, was one of MudSteps kits who passed.

Once they got back to camp she relaxed with her sister and talked about their time training. HoneyPaw was planning to sneak out and asked FeatherPaw to cover for her. Of course FeatherPaw agreed to stay silent. The next week she got to spend with her sister, who was being forced to gather herbs as punishment for leaving camp. FeatherPaw found this hilarious to be quite honest. Most of her training was uneventful, until her sister was given her warrior name as HoneyTree. That night her sister was brought in with serious injuries along with the deputy. She tried her hardest to help her mentor, but was mainly stuck helping her sister. Her wounds were simple enough to treat, and she would heal fine. However, she sadly witnessed the deputy join StarClan. She joined in the vigil for this cat, only for a short time.

Once her sister woke up, she was overjoyed. She got to spend time with her for around 2 days before HoneyTree went back to her duties. On that same day the MoonPool visit was to happen. This was the day she was given her warrior name. She was named FeatherFawn. This night was also when she first met the StoneClan apprentice. He acted as if he knew everything which infuriated the newly named Medicine cat. About 3 moons later, her mentor retired and joined the Elders den. FeatherFawn was sad yes, but now knew her job and was able to fulfill it greatly. She actually got to join the Leader when he went to get his nine lives. Once MudStar got to go back to camp, things seemed to calm down. FeatherFawn spent her time helping everyone she could from then on.


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