Nevan Briggs



1 year, 23 days ago



codename : Foxglove
30 | 31 YRS
August 21st

He/Him Straight Vigilante Neutral

Briggs is a being of exaustion in the skin of someone more youthful, a man filled with goals but unable to accomplish any of them, jumping though rings and over hurdles.

Not everything is bad though, he has friends, he has a loving wife whom he'd do anything for, (save for one thing?) and a sidejob that puts much meaning into his life.

While Caer Sidi is considered one of the safest cities on earth its still a city, and cities breed crime and he's always keeping an eye on the criminal underground.


means "little saint" in the Irish language.


comes from the Middle English brigge and the Scottish, brigg, meaning “bridges”.
Unbleeder Traits.

Organic (eye) [L]
Simple Shape [UC]


Head [C]
Mouth [R]


2 Inserts [UC]


Banshee [L]


Black & Round [C]


Bowie Knife







Broken heart


Bleeding Heart


broken heart This stat determines how severely your UB’s heart being out impacts their other skills.

Bleeding heart This stat determines your UB’s combat abilities.


Street Smarts


Book Smarts


Street Smarts This stat determines your UB's insight and perception.

Book Smarts This stat determines your UB's general "book-smarts" or intellect.


You've got Guts


Spill your Guts


You've got Guts This stat determines your UB's general courage and ability to act under pressure.

Spill you're Guts This stat determines your UB's resilience.


Slight of Hand


Close at Hand


Slight of Hand This stat determines your UB’s general dexterity and grace.

Close at Hand This stat determines your UB's stealth and ability to blend in.






Silver-Tongue This stat determines your UB's charm!

Foul-Mouth This stat determines your UB's ability to intimidate!

Saint Mesa

( )

0:00 3:19
You hate my bad behavior
You cut my lips and tongue
You play the part of savior
I watch you come undone

Design Notes

  • Upon opening his mouth usually the mist from his cor floats out, it doesnt taste like anything but the mist is cool to the touch.
  • His skin is heavily scarred in various places but you dont need to be accurate!
  • His left eye ALWAYS looks like that, its perminant.
Vanilla Cream
Cryptid/ghost hunting
wide open spaces
Windy days
Wind chimes
The needle of his moral compass is spinning away, he could either he could be or angle or ur devil.
He loves his wife, Moira, SO DAMN MUCH, he's like the Mayes Hughes of this universe except no kid.
Picks up animals off the street, if he cant keep them he still nurses them back to health and gives them to shelters or homes.

Socially Aware






Briggs, like a lot of people in his line of work and history, have many layers hidden behind barriers. What he shows to everyone is always an extreme, though usually on the positive side. Cracking jokes, assisting those in need, exploding excitement. Many would say he's "alot to handle" or "the life of the party" or "wears his emotions on his sleeves" which isnt entirely false, but is still false in the end.

Briggs is goal oriented, nothing matters more than his goals, pushing aside his own morals as long as it helps move him forward in the end. this could be ranging from numbing his emotions to comitting morally grey or even black acts. telling himself that the end justifies the means.

This makes him live entirely in the present, no room for the past mistakes to bog down his progress, no need to get dread the future, clouding his decisions and potentially leading to mistakes. Steadfast and thoughtful, albiet a bit reckless sometimes.

pre mortem
cw Child Death

Briggs, otherwise known as Nevan Murphy, grew up in a small town in Ireland, with his sister Bridgett. Their parents were busy people both at home and with work, constantly repairing or adding onto the house, busy with community activities or whenever they'd have to leave for work. Nevan was often taken care of by his sister and Nevan often hung around her even when their parents were gone. All of her friends were also his friends, even if not everyone fully agreed on it.

Somehow, somewhere, something went sour.

The two went their seperate ways, its unsure who left first, the details are hazy, Nevan went off into the military and Bridgett.....well she went somewhere. Neven never featured it out. As his life continued on, flitting though jobs, getting a wife, normal things. He realized not only was she gone, but it seemed like all record of her was lost. Something seemed wrong, they were both stubborn but this didnt seem right.

He found out Bridgett was missing.

And thusly started his manhunt, putting himself deep in the bowels of the criminal underground, gathering intel, learning that the world is much more nasty than he could have ever imagined. He became more hardened more secretive, Moira was still the love of his life, but Briggs had made enemies and he needed to be careful. Especially when he died in ██ █████████████ ██████ ████ █████ ██████ resulting in his ressurection and immortality.

Post Mortem
cw Death
cw Gaslighting

Neven still doesnt know where his sister is, he has his assumptions, but now hes made a bit of a name for himself in the criminal underground, especially after willingly working for Morgan White in his garden, a well known mercenary group in the criminal underground of Caer Sidi. Now he has starmetal inbedded in his skull, Moira is still mortal. So much went on in the blink of an eye that for a while he laid low, spending time with his wife planning his next steps.

Things are...weird..He's always cold, theres screaming in his head, not always but every time he finds himself near the scene of a crime. He started picking up vigilantism, its a long winding side path away from his main goal. but its a good cause, he doesnt trust law enforcement, but he does trust the Ravenstone Detective Agency enough to assist them.