Tempest's Comments

hihi would u consider offers?

Hi! I just realized I completely forgot about finishing this design (I vaguely remember working on it actually, I might've finished it at one point years ago but I no longer have any of those files!) Would it be alright for me to go ahead and finish this design for you real quick? I know it's weird to ask, since I OWE you the design, but I don't want to cross any boundaries! I don't want to make you uncomfortable, especially after years of not finishing something I owed you, which is ABSOLUTELY unfair to you!! 

If you would finish this I would absolutely SWOON! It's more than okay for you to finish this design, and I'm actually super stoked you reached out to me. If there's anything at all you need from me, just let me know! :D

I'm so so glad to hear that!!! I'm super excited to finally get this to you as well, especially now that my style has improved leaps and bounds since then!! If there's anything else I can do to make up for this, please don't be afraid to let me know or ask!!! I feel absolutely awful about forgetting about this :(

BUT I HAVE A BRAND NEW SKETCH!!! Let me know if you like it!! I can do any changes necessary!! But if it looks good, I'll get right into lining and coloring sometime tomorrow :3c

It looks fantastic so far! And don't stress about it, I understand things can happen- life can be totally unpredictable. I'm absolutely loving the sketch, so I don't think any changes are necessary! <3