Cecilia of Remiscua



6 years, 1 month ago


the rose discovers she is an instrument of war

Name: cecilia iolanthe joia viviane holywoods of remiscua
Called: cece
Titles: high princess, advisor on etiquette
Age: 27
Gender: cis woman
Sexuality: lesbian
Race: human
Occupation: spymaster

the youngest, arguably the prettiest, and the most responsibility avoidant princess of remiscua.




charming to a fault, very talkative, loves to be the center of attention. has an uncanny ability to coax personal information from even the tightest of lips, excellent liar. chaotic horny. absolutely insistent on getting her way, full youngest child complex. lives to push boundaries.


makes intensive eye contact, loves holding and grabbing peoples hands, bites the corner of her lips when shes thinking, lots of eyelash batting, plays with her hair a lot.


Height: 5'10
Build: chubby and soft, hourglass figure
Eyes: dark blue, can appear almost black
Skin: warm, easily and often tanned
Hair: warm brown, middle part, usually wavy to curly and kept loose
Scars/Injuries: none of note
Apparel: noticeably simple for her station. heavy silks and velvets, often in deep shades of red and pink. almost always in skirts, always plenty of cleavage. usually in a strong corset. loves anything with a nice lace trim. prefers rubies set in gold for jewelry.
Details: many moles across her body, most visible are under her right eye, on her left breast close to the middle, and on her left shoulder. noticeable body hair. big doe eyes with thick eyelashes. upturned nose.


cecilia is the youngest of five sisters. clairissa is crown princess, cordelia is a high ranking priestess, calantha and cyrilla are both married off to nobles of the southern countries, and cecilia is... well, nothing, on paper, and it's quite the point of contention between the five. each of her older sisters has a plan for her future, and none are quite right. it's not as if her parents find her much of a bother, anyway - her mother, queen clairissa, who could be described as concerned for her children at best and controlling, overbearing, and smothering at worst, would be positively heartbroken if all of her children left home, and she is the absolute light of her father, king augustin's, life.


a clever and precocious child, cece accompanied her elder siblings, calantha and sebastién, to schooling in seroterra at an earlier age than most. she quickly realized her tutors, often nobility themselves, would say rather important and confidential things in front of polite, silent children, and she honed her information gathering skills with each conversation had in her presence. by the time she returned to court, then but 16, it was easy for her to leverage her knowledge and skill sets to cement her place at court as more than just one of the baby of the royal line.


now the master of a relatively informal ring of spies, cece has an ear to every wall of her court and blackmail material on every noble in remiscua - if only to keep her own secrets under wraps. she's no aspiration for the throne, more interested in the minutiae of the nobility than the overarching machinations of an entire country, but she's got her future estate's vineyards planted and the house half-built. she'll move when her sister is queen.


MBTI: esfp
Alignment: chaotic neutral
Known Languages: tradecommon, old seroterran, ishari
Education: more than most, even among noble peers. still regularly calls tutors to teach her more.
Hobbies: gossiping, drinking wine in the gardens, chess and other board games, gambling, parlor trick illusions and pretty enchantments, music
Talents: plays a multitude of instruments including but not limited to the flute, violin, piano, cello, lyre, harp, and organ
Secrets: her relationship, her real job, how many people shes had executed
Fears: solitude, lack of control
Savvies: languages, people skills, music
Ineptitudes: often petty and rude, holds grudges, if she thinks no ones listening she'll just repeat herself until someone acknowledges her, easy to provoke
  • instrumental music
  • physical affection
  • errevarn honeyed and ash-pressed goat cheese
  • the gardens during the height of summer
  • those who lack empathy
  • bitter wine
  • bard songs with too much story
  • losing anything

  • rarely if ever gets sick
  • has a sweet spaniel called bugs
  • rather talented in wizardry, but just likes to play with it
  • employs a small roster of assassins and mercenaries, half of them simply to keep tabs on their peers



