Jaská of Tevareh



6 years, 4 months ago


a lighthouse in clean waters

Name: jaská of tevareh
Called: jaská
Titles: high lady, stormcaller
Age: 32
Gender: nb woman
Sexuality: lesbian
Race: heillige
Occupation: advisor on the celestial, commander

the current heillige of tevareh, blessed with the powers of the sea and sky.




publically, neutral to the point of frigidity, rarely speaks unless spoken to, avoids eye contact. impeccable manners otherwise. in private, quite goofy but deadpan about it, laughs at her own jokes. very good listener. will drop everything if she perceives someone she cares for as being in danger, goes out of her way to do favors for loved ones. often quite competitive with the other heillige. huge jealous streak.


tends to stare at people, stands with her hands clasped behind her. plays with her pendant when stressed. eyebrows tend to be the biggest giveaway of any emotion. tends towards nonverbal communication.


Height: 7'7
Build: strong and trim, hourglass shape
Eyes: pale blue, pupilless and reflective
Skin: pale, sallow, and cool-toned, reminiscent of marble
Hair: blue-black, down to her mid thigh, almost always tied back in the front
Scars/Injuries: scarring similar to lichtenberg figures down the left side of her jaw, neck, chest and left arm that bruise and darken with heavy use of her magics
Apparel: on her own time: loose blouses and dresses, leather trousers, and knee to thigh high boots, often accessorized with a sword belt carrying twin rapiers of damascus steel, often bare-chested. when at court: breezy but revealing gowns, usually made of sheer fabrics, always backless, often displaying the scars on her chest as well. always wearing a choker with a pendant of tevareh's symbol on it
Details: long fingers. a very purposefully serene demeanor. can sprout wings at will, pale grey to cream feathers with a wingspan of over 25 ft



born at the very end of a very cold winter to peasant parents, the newborn jaská was immediately handed off to temple authorities, as is custom for heillige. her birth mother was relieved to have been chosen to give her growing baby to tevareh - she'd already had a son, and knew she didn't have the resources for another child. jaská was raised in the temples and keeps of the heillige, the south in the winter and the north in the summer, primarily by talia, the last child of akero. a precocious and preternaturally intelligent child, as expected, she was known to spend far too much time listening to adults talk and absorbing information. the current heillige of sehiril, delmar, was born shortly after her, and they were raised together, constantly sparring, true children of war gods.

after talia's early death when jaská was 17, she threw herself into her formal training, spending months on end within the walls of caer thevá. she was rarely seen by non-military members during this time, and reemerged years later steadied, solemn, and fully matured. she took in the new heillige of akero, signy, then just 5, and has raised her since in loving repayment of all that talia had done for her.


currently, jaská holds her position as leader of the sancti, though it is largely in name. as her other duties have demanded more of her time, more and more of her clerical duties have been passed to her lieutenant. in times of peace, jaská resides at the remiscuan royal estate, whitecliff castle, as a guest of the royal family. the queen greatly values the heillige future sense, and requires a consult on matters both trivial and paramount. no matter that jaská lacks such power - the queen has never asked, and she's brokered a deal with evangeline, the current heillige of avorhelle, to supply her with the details the queen desires without need for a disruption.


Alignment: lawful neutral
Known Languages: tradecommon, ishari, celestial, old seroterran
Education: standard noble's education, largely history and literature
Hobbies: designing mazes, teaching herself new swordplay maneuvers, reading wordy history books, logic puzzles and games, swimming
Talents: has an autobiographical memory, can always hit the bullseye on archery targets
Secrets: her relationship, her duty in life
Fears: losing loved ones, losing herself
Savvies: very good with children and small animals, weaponry
Ineptitudes: misses many social cues, very stubborn, not good at handling being uncomfortable
  • goats
  • strong tea
  • cold and sunny days
  • tree fruit
  • gloves
  • bad manners
  • not having an answer when asked a question
  • hair in her feathers

  • usually smells of petrichor, but occasionally steel
  • loses the need to breathe while underwater, can stay submerged indefinitely
  • has a handful of battle and magic techniques she learned just because they look cool
  • has to wear gloves to certain functions as she always runs the risk of transferring stored static electricity as shocks




[ girlfriend ]

quite literally destined for each other, and deeply in love. while their relationship is relatively new, jaská and cece have been close friends for nearly a decade.



[ daughter ]

heillige are most often raised by a rotating cast of väktivari clergy and the elder heillige, but jaská's low-combat lifestyle enables her to raise the young signy on her own.



[ brother ]

counterparts by blood, jaská and delmar were raised together. their relationship has always been tense, underpinned by the blood of their predecessors and fated codependence.



[ best friend ]

a rare case of heillige of similar age being raised separately, jaská and the shepherd became friends after jaská moved onto castle grounds. their partnership is as much convenience as fondness, but it works well.

