Cooper (Cooper [Reality])



9 months, 9 days ago


NOTE: Subject is currently under development. This page may or may not be accurate in the future.

Basic Info

Name : Cooper
Nickname : Leif
Pronouns : He/Him
Race/Ethnic : Africa

Physical Info

Demeanor: Sheepish and Cowardly. Visibly nervous and uptight.
Build : Averages
Height : 160cm


DISC Profile :
Enneagram type :
Religion: Islam


"Every drizzle turns into a monsoon, even when it's nothing to worry about."

Cooper is one half of the inner child, the defenseless sensitive half that desperately clings to anything willing to comfort it. Cooper was born early on, but was locked in his chambers after the beginning of Grade 6. The world around the host grew colder and less forgiving, and the host adapted by sealing away his childish desires for love and care. However, Cooper and the lock on his door gradually began to corrode thanks to the work of [Data Expunged]. Now freed from imprisonment, he has the second highest soul consumption rate.

This subject is very easily frightened, humiliated, and easily manipulated. I have concluded that times when he controls the host are opportune times for manipulation. My advances are being stopped less frequently as they used to, which is great for progress. After the events of the past 2 years, his negative traits have amplified in a way similar to Greyson. This includes, but is not limited to: irrationality, anxieties, insecurities, and sensitivity.This is the turning point to where Cooper's soul begins to cool down, and the taste begins to sour to one more akin to a leathery boot. Soul consumption is currently at 80%. Subject no longer attempts to reject my presence.


Being introduced at conception, Cooper is one of the original fractures and is by far the most uptight. Last recorded levels of low activity were documented in 20XX. Originally created to keep the host from danger, Cooper eventually grew conscious and became constantly anxious regarding his surroundings.

After a few years of relatively low activity, the beginning of 6th grade proved to be a turning point in the host's life following several real life events. This only worsened in 7th grade, and 4/5ths of the fractures decided that Cooper was too much of a concern to be given operation rights.

Given plenty of time to ruminate, Cooper slowly grew unstable. When the lock on his door was finally decommissioned, he immediately went on a mania-induced spree and ended up destroying several relationships by urging the host to become drastically less cautious about mentioning his sporadic feelings. However, the handle on Cooper's door had decayed in it's entirety, and another lock could not be reinstalled.

As of lately, Cooper's tendencies have only gotten worse. However, they seem to be slowing down like Greyson's did, and Cooper looks to be more lethargic than previous months.

Current lifestyle

Sleeps in his room.

Trivias / Headcanons

  • Cooper's soul used to taste of Syrupy Pancakes. It was the 2nd warmest of the 6 souls.

  • Relationships

    Morgan / Friend : The only fracture that Leif sees as a genuine friend. Leif is incredibly over reliant on Morgan for basic needs, and his rants have only gotten worse with time. However, he hasn't ranted at all lately.
    Doi / Friendly : Cooper and Doi are on speaking terms, and despite Doi being the way he is, Cooper still sees something in him.
    Rgysone : Data recovery in progress.
    Vincent : Cooper hasn't forgotten.