Davis Doodle



1 year, 16 days ago


Full name: Davis Doodle

Other name(s): Davis, Davie (by Cole)

Age: (not mentioned in reference sheet)

Gender / Pronouns: Male (He/Him)

Height: 5'8''

Species: Stick-figure (Human)

Davis Doodle, or just Davis is a stickman who’s known for being an anxious, insecure, clumsy individual, and a chronic overthinker who gets often worried about a multitude of potential results. He is also shy, trying his best to overcome his social awkwardness, but he tends to either stammer or ramble on and on. Despite this, he is still well-mannered and kindhearted, as well as a neat and clean individual. He prefers to stay organized and tidy, and dislikes mess or chaos. Davis is cautious and avoids taking risks but he’s still a good friend who’s willing to step up for others, trying his best to be useful and reliable to everyone.


Davis is a stick figure who stands at 5'8''. He has beady eyes and tidy hair with three strands sticking out on the top of his head. He wears a yellow bowtie, along with a white shirt, black pants and a pair of white shoes.