Stephan Sketch



1 year, 8 days ago


Full name: Stephan Sketch

Other name(s): Stephan, Steve (by Cole)

Age: (not mentioned in reference sheet)

Gender / Pronouns: Male (He/Him)

Height: 5'8''

Species: Stick-figure (Human)

Stephan Sketch, or just Stephan is a confident stickman who’s hyperactive, and a risk-taker with little time for caution or careful planning. He is quick to think on his feet and even quicker to act and is always seeking new and exciting experiences. He is a charismatic and energetic individual who is always bound to take everyone on an unpredictable wild ride, resulting in failures and injuries to him, as well as the ones involved. He is also a jack-of-all-trades and outgoing, but most tend to avoid him because of his unpredictable antics. Despite his shortcomings and recklessness, Stephan has a good heart and encourages others to be confident and to live life to the fullest, but without going too far like he does.


Stephan is a stick figure who stands at 5’8’’. He has big, conjoined eyes that can detach from his face and messy hair with three bendy strands sticking out on the top of his head. He wears a green necktie, along with a white shirt, black pants and a pair of black shoes.