Ev Maldonado



1 year, 19 days ago


-Doesn't know too much about his history: bounced several homes throughout Connecticut as a foster kid growing up. Grew up very quiet and never made any lasting connections. Now, he actively avoids making them. Refuses to tell anyone what "Ev" stands for.

-Lives in a dorm room at Gold Shore College in Sundial City and later on-site at Syndicate Engineering in Port Paradox (PH!Canon) with his own office courtesy of Caldwell's kindness...

-Relishes in negative attention, be it through crime or his bad attitude. Despite this, has no intention to kill or seriously harm people. He just likes destruction and shaking things up. However, develops a strong attachment to Caldwell and quickly begins to see him as a mentor and parental figure, much to Caldwell's advantage.

-At his core, he just wants to feel loved, but they deem themself unworthy of it and is convinced the negative attention he gets for their crimes is the next best equivalent. Though he won't say it out loud, they do care about other people and have no interest in actually killing or seriously harming them. Begrudgingly lends a hand to Kiara, David, and Jaycee when they need it, especially while on Professor Entropy's adventures that she often accidentally ends up on, but cannot stand the Priceless twins. Refuses to let herself get too close.

-David Romero's "nemesis." Also considered an enemy by several tech-based heroes and villains alike due to her constantly stealing their machines. Considers himself to be Dr. Freeze's enemy, but Freeze later develops concern for her upon learning about her involvement at Syndicate, if a bit jealous of the attention she gets from his deadbeat dad. Ev, however, is resistant to anything Freeze tries to tell her about Syndicate, and prefers to continue stealing his freeze rays instead.