Ram Rilgard




Ram Rilgard

Species Cyberperson
Gender Male
Pronouns he/him


Ram is a cyberperson and appears as a golden-red anthromorphic hawk with a golden beak, legs and arms and a lighter colored head, armwings and tail. His arm wings are trimmed and his black claws are clipped. His eyes are yellow with red irises with orange feathers around them.

Ram prefers tight-fitting clothing, preferring turtlenecks and jeans. When working, he wears a white lab coat over his clothes.


Ram himself believes he’s the most capable person around and that this gives him right to order everyone around. After all, he’s right. Others however say he’s a jerk and a power-drunk idiot. And that, despite his dangerous line of work, he’s a coward. Which is why he is so perfectly happy to be out of the dirty experiment work and up top, giving the orders. He acts cordial to his fellows in ranks but they see through him and secretly dislike him. He delights in cruelty and power over others, making him perfect for his role.


A rarity among Matka’s league of scientists, Ram volunteered, with perfect knowledge of what he would be doing to his fellows. He’s worked himself up through the ranks and became Director over a variety of special projects, including the WEAPONIZED Project, in no part to his cruelty. Somehow, he’s stayed out of the more hands-on work, leaving that to his subordinates and even fellow higher-ups.


Ram is somewhat proficient in biology but prefers to be the head of his division, giving orders and making plans.

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