


6 years, 22 days ago




Quiet . Lazy . Kind

"I'm useless, but if you can find a use for me, I'm happy."


At first glance, Acedia is a lazy child. He spends his time sleeping and is incapable of doing anything on his own. Even walking is difficult. He spends most of his time sleeping in his room or in Avaritia's study. He's very childlike in his behaviour. He tends to be criticised or judged by other sins

Deep down, Acedia feels profoundly alone, abandoned and sad because of his sin and his past. He is a terribly kind person, far too kind in fact. He likes to lose himself and forget his handicaps... He loves spending time with his beloved Ira and is eternally grateful to him. He also eats a lot of sweets and cakes.


  • Ira !
  • His cushion (And cushions, in general)
  • Sweets and cakes
  • Quiet places

  • His eyes
  • His face
  • Himself.
  • When someone talk bad about Ira



Death age

He died the youngest of all the sins. He was 15 years old when he died as a human. Although he is now centuries old, many still consider him a child.

Young marriage

In his time, people were married quite young, so his parents got him engaged as soon as he turned one (to get rid of him, which didn't even work as his fiancée didn't want him).

Sleep problems

Although he spends most of his time asleep, the truth is that Acedia always sleeps very badly. He often has insomnia at night and his days are full of nightmares of all kinds. He seems to sleep well, though, because he no longer jolts awake from his nightmares, just opens his blind eyes and returns to "dreamland" immediately afterwards... Even if he's not narcoleptic, he sometimes falls asleep without realising it at any given moment.


He was a young boy born into a noble family. Blind from birth, he received nothing but disgust and hatred for the incapable child he was. Shame and despair at himself forced him to remain alone and locked up in his room. Sin was thus committed with lightning speed, and he became the first sinner of acedia.

His life ended as miserably as him. This unwanted child was sold in an arranged marriage to a proud family who were stingy with the money the man's name suggested. His fiancée, in her misplaced pride, found him physically repugnant and tore his face in anger. He, who could neither see nor defend himself, could do nothing; even his desperate flight from his marriage was short-lived, he who knew nothing, yes, that stupid child nobody wanted any more. With his marriage annulled, he returned to his room where he had always been locked up. Perhaps he had been forgotten? Unable to feed himself or move, he died shamefully of thirst.



Ira [ Boyfriend ]

"You want to talk about Ira? Of course I'll talk about him! I was just afraid I'd be asked about his anger again... It's not my place. But I really don't mind talking about him! I love him enormously, even if everyone tends to call him a bully, he's really a great person. I'll be eternally grateful to him for loving me... I didn't even think it was possible to love someone like me, I love him so much..."


Gula [ Friend ]

"Gula is really lovely and kind despite what everyone says. I'm really happy to count him as one of my friends. Maybe I can't see his physical defects because of my blindness but I'm glad because he's really nice. OK, he ate one of my cushions but I'm not going to hold that against him, he must have been hungry after all he wanted to eat me originally, not my cushion and it was only a cushion, so as long as he doesn't eat my demon cushion it's fine. What's more, every time he comes over he gives me sweets, he really is a sweetheart. He seems to be getting busier and busier as he comes to me less and less. I wouldn't want to take up too much of his precious time anyway".


Avaritia [ Kinda mother figure ]

"You must think I'm ridiculous because she doesn't pay too much attention to me and works all the time but yes, I feel "protected" in her office as if she's watching over me. I've never had any relationship with my parents other than disgust, so maybe I don't understand the mother principle very well, but the feeling I have towards Avaritia is what I imagine a mother to be like. I'm sure we're nothing alike, I can't see after all, but that's how I see her no matter what.... Please don't tell her... She's very important to me and I know she doesn't like love, family and friendship, it's all totally unknown to her, I don't want her to feel uncomfortable about what I think of her"


Superbia [ Don't like her ]

"Superbia is very energetic and I really struggle to keep up with her. What's more, she spends all her time keeping Ira busy with stupid challenges... I don't mind if Ira is amused, but as much as it pains me to admit it, I'm jealous that I'm not as interesting as Superbia... I know Ira loves me and hates Superbia but I wish I could be more interesting to the wonderful person he is"


Luxuria [ Kinda Friend ]

"Luxuria is always very nice to me but I have a lot of trouble with him, he's my friend after all. In fact, I know that he likes a bit of everyone and I don't want him to waste his precious time with me so I avoid him a bit, he's an extremely well-liked person and I don't want to be accused of coveting him. Especially as I'd be afraid Ira would think I was getting too close to him. I'd never dare and then I'm lucky Ira likes me because who would want me if he wasn't so nice?"


Invidia [ Kinda hate her ]

"I really don't like her... Every time she says something bad about my friends or Ira... She makes me so uncomfortable putting them down when she's doing me so much good, I get shivers just thinking about it... What's more, I remember overhearing Luxuria and Avaritia talking about her church one day, and I nearly vomited when I heard their complaints, but fortunately I managed to hold myself back so as not to disturb them... Believe me, you don't want to know what state his church was in. I still have nightmares about it, and I'm starting to sleep even worse when I hear his voice.... I'm so scared of her, sorry I shouldn't be but I can't stop shaking..."

code by 00Ishikawa00 | music player by @Bakuqou