


2 months, 17 days ago



Woman (She/Her)





Money, Money, Money
"Love, family, friendship... all these things are worthless compared to money. But what should I do with this money afterwards?..."


Avaritia often has a neutral face; all she cares about is money. Her appearance is only important if she shows off her wealth. Unlike Superbia, who does everything in her power to be the ruler of sin, Avaritia is almost ruler by nature. Although many may criticise her for being too bossy, she has a mature and thoughtful personality, and is very diligent and good at her job. In fact, she always has a mountain of things to do and hates wasting time, so she'll only listen to you if you say "money", "jewels/gems" or "gold" and "silver", which is strangely enough when she looks happier and smiles. Avaritia can be very scary if you don't follow her rules.


She was a young woman whose poverty had exasperated her since childhood. No doubt out of pride, she left her poor family when she was a teenager "what would become of them?" That wasn't her problem at all, she just didn't want to live in poverty or with her family any more. To tell the truth, leaving was good for her, she studied and became a great merchant. The problem was this irrational fear of becoming poor again, yes, she needed more.

Without realising it, drowning in her money, she never found the reason why she was accumulating this fortune, it was just buried, useless wealth. All her efforts put into this need for wealth consumed her and eventually killed her, leaving only her unused fortune behind. A pointless and futile death.

  • Most of her time is spent helping other sinners, not really by choice.
  • In fact, although at first her mountain of work was mainly due to her need to get rich, now it's mostly paperwork to repair the damage from other sins, fortunately the gods pay her handsomely for this kind of problem, otherwise the world might be in pieces right now-
  • She can't fly by herself, so Superbia carries her when she wants to fly.


  • Gula has eaten her right wing, so she has only one wing and a scar on her back (not visible through her clothes).
  • She uses the remains of her wing as a train for her clothes (on the right-hand side).
  • She's still wearing her monocle even though her eyesight is good, yeah, it's just money flexing



"Acedia is fairly quiet and I don't see him very often. The rare paperwork I have to deal with for him is often late deliveries or something else due to the fact that he sometimes falls asleep in the middle of the road. Otherwise, he's really not difficult to live with, he's the only one I allow in my office when I'm working. He often comes and rests on his giant cushion before going to sleep, he sleeps and doesn't bother me. He probably does that when he's lonely in our quarters, I don't understand it but I let him."


"Gula is a very inquisitive person and, above all, very profitable monetarily. I thank his curiosity for bringing me so much, how? Every time he wants to eat something he can't find himself, he comes and orders it from me. At first, I didn't think I'd do that much business, but he always finds money. Especially as our first deal was for my wing, he wanted to taste it and I told him I didn't care as long as he brought me back enough to pay for my wing and he brought back a large sum of money... The only problem with this transaction is that given that killing myself to make it grow back was a waste of time, my wound has healed and even by killing, I only have one wing left... Luckily, he had spat out and kept the feathers, it's a nice decoration to my outfit."


"Invidia generally does what I ask it to do without complaining. Sometimes she complains about the others giving me a hard time but I know very well that she's one of the sinners at fault, where Gula is just suspicious by selling strange meats, Invidia could clearly be a source of trouble... Money has no smell for me but every document related to her is the darkest. Although your death will bring me money, avoid getting involved with her."


"I have to admit that I think I've fallen into a trap... I ended up telling him how annoying it was to look after them, and since then he's come to my office at least once a week to ask me about the week's gossip... I always reply and I have to admit I don't understand why... He replied that we were friends.... Aaaah I really don't understand him, why does it please him to know what annoys me? Especially as he shouldn't be bragging, sometimes he's a source of trouble himself."


"Superbia? A real source of trouble that one, fortunately most of her actions really pay off for me. Like the Coliseum due to her constant war with Ira. She's easier to manage though, if she wanders around too much, I ask her to come with me wherever I have to go so she can be supervised. It's quite practical, especially as I only have one wing, so I don't have to worry about being carried. She doesn't seem to like me but that's not my problem, if she wants more freedom, she can just channel herself on her own."


"Ira ?..." sigh "Even if Superbia is a real source of problems, I already find her easier to deal with than him. He's already cost me a lot of money by destroying cities in countries I've signed contracts with... He's also very talkative, and I'm surprised that despite their similarities, he and Superbia hate each other... But I guess relationships don't work like business. I wish I had a bigger salary for everything to do with him but I don't think I'll ever get paid to hear him complain, unfortunately."

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