Jester Spinel (Clown)



Jester Spinel, originally named Clown Spinel, is a Gem that was created to entertain a high-ranked Gem (WIP for now, but most likely a Shungite)

As a good little Spinel, all she had to do was to make her supervisor laugh ... but it never worked, and at some point : she started to humiliate her. Telling her she's useless, her talent is a waste of time, all the like ... making her quite low on motivation most of the time ...
The only times where she could do her art is when other gems, friends of her supervisor, went around and see her ... but even then, she could see it was all fake. The other gems found her interesting, but not her boss, fakely laughing. She eavesdropped at some point that she does that when guests were around only to be sure to keep her, to not make her a shattered mess ... but even that, she couldn't trust it ...

At some point, her supervisor was drafted for a war on a planet Pink Diamond recently got, and she cracked (figuratively) : she told her everything she had deep in her core. Whatever the outcome, she HAD to said these things before she leaves ... and the only answer from her was ... a pure silence, leaving her behind ... while she was away, she only could think about that outburst, she knew she was screwed at that point ! Her time could arrive at any point ! That lack of motivation, her broken mind through incessant harassment/humiliation and not this confrontation ... made her think of just disappearing. Anything ... but even that, she couldn't find the motivation to commit to it. She entered a spiral of despair for years, and years ...

When she heard the Gems that went to war came back, she took a deep breath and went to see. Who knows, maybe it changed her ? Well, it changed her for sure ...
She was said shattered, one of the many victims of the war ... and when she heard that, she couldn't restrain herself and smiled, and cried ... and if she could, she'd have scream in pure pleasure ! At last, she was free of her persecutor ! But maybe restraining that much wasn't good for her, and she completely poofed.

For anyone wondering, that peak of joy wasn't because of the death of her supervisor (or at least, partially), but mostly a peak of relief. I can see Clown being one of those kids, who wants to be an artist, or an acrobat, or even a Youtuber ... and their parents being against it. Some are fine with that, but a minority can be harsher : to the point of degrading their kid's passion to disgust them, and make them move on. It's rare, but it happens, and when it does ... it can go really far ...
Of course, it can't finish like that for Clown, but that feeling is like running away from your house, out of this oppressive aura that forbids you to do what you are made for ! But that feeling of relief is quickly caught up by another : guilt. Guilt and the realization of how screwed you are now ... you left a safe place, oppressive or not, on a headbutt. Now what to do ?
Whatever happens to this supervisor (you'll see what'll happen when said gem will be created ... or you can just spoil yourself by looking at the other tabs-), this shattering is also metaphorical : the death of what you once admired, destroyed to pieces after some time of humiliation ... but may also be literal, for some. In both ways : at first, you might feel powerful, freed of your shackles, but then ... other feelings crushes your shoulders, and that is what Clown felt ...

That was a long paragraph for nothing, don't you think ? It'll be hard to put in a Steven Universe Wiki code lmao