Hello, thank you for this amazing code! Plan to use it for a few of my OCs!
I'm also having a bit of trouble getting the image to work... I've replaced background-image:url with a link to my own, but its still not showing for whatever reason.

Using circlejourney to edit but it doesn't even show on their profile either.

Added screenshots into Google Drive.



I can see the image a small bit when a delete part of the < br > but I still don't see the full image.


Edit 2:

I found a workaround lol. Just added < p > between each < br > but if you know of a simpler/cleaner method to fix the image sizing, I'd greatly appreciate it! (I've got very little coding knowledge...)

Hi, that's so cool!!

I dunno why so many users encountered this problem as it works/looks just fine whenever I try--

But yeah this code is a bit old, I now found a better way to expand the image size without the use of <br>

try replacing part of the code with this: (it's from the beginning of the code til the </h3> for simplicity, although I just messed around with one card, I thought I'd insert a bit of code along as well, just in case it's a copy-paste issue somewhere)

<div class="container p-0 mt-3" style="max-width: 1000px;">
<div class="card border-1 rounded-2 p-1 h-100">
<div class="card  border-0 p-1 bg-faded rounded-2 justify-content-center p- h-100" style="text-align: center;">
<div class="row no-gutters justify-content-center">
<div class="col-lg-3 p-1 h-100">
<div class="mb-2 text-muted text-center  display-3" style="letter-spacing: 3px; font-size: 20px;">Name Surname</div>
<div class="mt-1 card border-1 rounded-2 p-1" style="font-size: 14px; height: 265px; overflow: auto;">
<div class="card rounded-0 border-0 h-100" style="background-size:cover; background-position:center; background-image:url('https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/characters/21606780?1684460077');">
<div class="col-lg-9 p-1 px-">
<div class="col-12 card mb-2 text-muted text-left  px-2" style="border-radius:10px;display:inline-block;">
<h3 class="m-2 display-3" style="letter-spacing: 3px; font-size: 16px;"><i class="fas fa-spinner fa-spin"></i> This character is a work in progress, it's a temporary profile.</h3>

btw I'm using playhou.se to preview/code :) and I don't have access to the pic you sent but I hope it helps lol

and if you wanna change the height of the picture just change the height: 265px; - it's a bit below the Name Surname


My bad, completely forgot to change permissions for the drive lol, but the code you provided worked perfectly! thank you so much!! ^^

Sorry to ask, but how do I get the image to work?

Im not very good at code lol

What's the problem exactly?

Idk how to resize it so it’s really small.

Sorry if Im bothering you

don't be sorry, it's fine!

how is it small? does the code look like that?

basically the amount of <br> indicates how big the image is (it's not the usual coding btw, my codes are kinda work-around lol)

Uhh I’m not good with code and I’m currently only using toyhouse 

This is the image (placeholder)


And heres the code.  I highlighted the part you screenshoted.68697606_A3YfNeYMZYcJ1vK.jpg

Again I only have toyhouse as my social and I don’t really know what I’m doing half the time lol

It might just be me being an idiot

Oh, you should delete the full <img src="..."> then and just change the background-image:url(' ... ') to your desired image

Btw I recommend clicking on that code sign, it shows you the code in a clearer way than just disabling WYSIWYG ^^


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you'd have to delete this part of the code


I assume you're on mobile though and while it'd look okay in there the desktop ver might look wonky ^^"


Thank you much for this code! I was looking everywhere to find something small like that; gonna use it on all of my characters, tysm   

I'm glad to hear that!

This is free to use right? I just wanna make sure!

yep, the F2U means Free To Use!