Comments on WIP Profile Code【F2U】 All Comments Start of Thread Parent

What's the problem exactly?

Idk how to resize it so it’s really small.

Sorry if Im bothering you

don't be sorry, it's fine!

how is it small? does the code look like that?

basically the amount of <br> indicates how big the image is (it's not the usual coding btw, my codes are kinda work-around lol)

Uhh I’m not good with code and I’m currently only using toyhouse 

This is the image (placeholder)


And heres the code.  I highlighted the part you screenshoted.68697606_A3YfNeYMZYcJ1vK.jpg

Again I only have toyhouse as my social and I don’t really know what I’m doing half the time lol

It might just be me being an idiot

Oh, you should delete the full <img src="..."> then and just change the background-image:url(' ... ') to your desired image

Btw I recommend clicking on that code sign, it shows you the code in a clearer way than just disabling WYSIWYG ^^


Thank you!!!

Its working now I suck at code lol

Again Tysm!!! ^^