


1 year, 3 months ago


  • Name Aurora
  • Age 19
  • Pronouns She/Her
  • Gender Female
  • Trainer Class Waitress
  • Region Kalos
  • Home Lumiose City
  • Affiliation Team Flare
  • Theme


" Welcome to Lysandre Cafe! . . . "

  • Journey Beginning 29/01
  • Starter Vulpix
  • Occupation Lysandre Cafe / Waitress

A young trainer who's sole job is as a waitress at the Lysandre Cafe.

She takes this job in specific in hopes to one day become a scientist. Quite specifically, to work at Lysandre Labs. The man is someone she admires greatly, and she can agree with working to make the world as beautiful as it can be. Such a shame that her job is also to masquerade the darker aspects of Team Flare away from the prying eyes of the public and media. She herself, is blinded by that idea, and by extension, to the truth. ...But at least she quite enjoys her job.



  • Height 152.4cm
  • Weight 50kg
  • Build Slim and short
  • Presentation Confident


  • Skintone Light olive
  • Hair Color Ruby red
  • Eyes Color Borealis green
  • Clothing Style Formal clothing

Physical Description

As per Team Flare's dress code, especially at the lower totem pole, she wears bright orange primarily. Her main outfit is an orange suit with matching dress slacks. Of which at the end, fade out into crimson. She wears short brown boots and short matching gloves. Her tie is red like her hair, and she wears a light grey vest under her suit and over her blouse. She keeps her wavy hair in a side ponytail. Held up by ember-like hair beads.


  • Aurora keeps formal clothing on even when off the clock. She is still high class and wealthy. Despite her appearances and attitude not matching that of a Lumiose resident.
  • Her name tag is slightly covered by her suit.
  • She always wears her name tag on the same side as her ponytail.
  • Aurora's gloves do not start at the wrist. They start at the palm.



  • Cheerful
  • Charismatic


  • Neutral
  • Focused


  • Impatient
  • Naive

Reserved Go-getter

Quiet Energetic

Careful Clumsy

Rebellious Loyal

Withdrawn Affectionate

Deceptive Honest

Sensitive Tough

Antisocial Friendly

Lazy Diligent

Polite Blunt


lava-cookie.png lumiosegalette.png maxrevive.png burnheal.png fullrestore.png firestone.png pokeball.png cometshard.png

Lava Cookie

Mini Description

Lavaridge Town's local specialty. It can be used to cure any status condition a Pokémon may have. Aurora's favourite snack.


  • Full Restore x4
  • Max Revive x2
  • Burn Heal x4
  • Lava Cookie x12

Battle Items

  • Dire Hit x2
  • X Sp. Attack x2


" I've always dreamed of beating up unruly customers! "



  • Gender Female
  • Level 50
  • Nature Calm
  • Likes Sunny days

[ Characteristic ]

A very quiet and well behaved Ninetales. Aurora's first partner since it was a Vulpix. Aurora keeps a Fire Stone with her always to remind them both of the fires that burn as their passion.

pokeball.png heatrock.png sitrusberry.png
Sunny Day
Fire Blast
Solar Beam
Confuse Ray


  • Gender Male
  • Level 50
  • Nature Serious
  • Likes Battling

[ Characteristic ]

Aurora's first properly caught Pokemon. First met at Route 14. One of Aurora's favourite Pokemon to battle with.

pokeball.png blacksludge.png payapaberry.png
Swords Dance
Poison Jab
Sludge Bomb
Fire Fang

Paldean Blaze Tauros

FightingIC_Big.png FireIC_Big.png
  • Gender Male
  • Level 50
  • Nature Adamant
  • Likes Battling

[ Characteristic ]

A very rowdy Pokemon. People think this should be Aurora's true ace in battle. Especially with how strong and dependable it is. Aurora rides this Pokemon around instead of a car. How she can run around wildly or calmly with it is beyond anyone's imagination.

pokeball.png lifeorb.png cheriberry.png
Close Combat
Raging Bull
Stone Edge
Bulk Up


PoisonIC_Big.png FireIC_Big.png
  • Gender Female
  • Level 50
  • Nature Timid
  • Likes Being alone

[ Characteristic ]

A supermodel of a Pokemon. Yet despite the celebrity this Pokemon is, she doesn't quite like the attention she garnishes. If she can be alone, she would. She prefers only close company of her other team mates.

pokeball.png poisoniumz.png pechaberry.png
Nasty Plot
Dragon Pulse
Sludge Bomb


  • Gender Female
  • Level Female
  • Nature Jolly
  • Likes Walks in the park

[ Characteristic ]

Aurora's actual idol. The most energetic of her Pokemon, and the one that's out of its ball the most. Likes to help out on the job as much as possible. Originally caught in Sinnoh.

pokeball.png grassgem.png cornnberry.png
Sunny Day
Solar Beam
Petal Blizzard
Healing Wish


  • Gender Male
  • Level 100
  • Nature Adamant
  • Likes Lounging about

[ Characteristic ]

Aurora's true ace in combat. No one knows how it is as strong as it is. But it lines up with the crazy tales of Kecleons belonging to merchants being crazy powerful. People tend to underestimate this Pokemon at a glance, however. . .

pokeball.png assaultvest.png lansatberry.png
Ancient Power
Brick Break
Shadow Sneak
Sucker Punch


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Mauris non nibh quis magna placerat porttitor. Morbi ac enim at eros scelerisque pretium. Nam elit enim, fermentum et nunc ut, laoreet sollicitudin nibh. Nunc at sodales turpis. Quisque vulputate vel nisi eu condimentum. Sed ultrices velit a ante tristique aliquet. Maecenas nec volutpat leo, ac cursus dui. Sed malesuada ipsum sit amet odio tincidunt, vel congue enim sagittis. Cras venenatis ut tellus nec consectetur. Pellentesque pretium ex sit amet magna ultrices commodo.





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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris non nibh quis magna placerat porttitor. Morbi ac enim at eros scelerisque pretium. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris non nibh quis magna placerat porttitor.


  • Food Pecha Berry Cakes
  • Drink Moomoo Milk
  • Color Red
  • Flower Lilies
  • Weather Overcast
  • Animal Fox
  • Holiday None. . . All of them lead to busy days.
  • Season Autumn
  • Time Evenings


  • Aurora was vaguely inspired by Anna from Fire Emblem, in terms of design.
  • That Kecleon is indeed a reference to the overpowered Kecleon Merchants from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon.
  • Aurora's favourite flavour is mocha.
  • Despite working in a cafe, Aurora doesn't really drink a lot of coffee or eats that many sweets.
  • An aurora is the phenomenon that occurs when a solar flare hits the Earth's magnetic field. This phenomenon is what she was named after, and pays homage to her team. As almost every notable Team Flare member has names referencing solar flares in one way or another.
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