Winslow Saladyx



1 year, 25 days ago




Name Winslow Saladyx
Called WinsHOE/horny hedgefox/Fuckboi fox
Age 28
Gender Male
Race content
Role Hegdefox/
Alignment Neutral


  • Flirtatious
  • Egotistical
  • Extremely prideful


  • Flrting with women
  • Coffee
  • Boasting about anything and everything

"It's a proven fact that I, Winlsow, am just THAT much better than everyone else, in temrs of everything, hehe"


Winslow is an extremely flirtatious hedgefox, always trying to put himself out there, making himself the center of attention, boasting about how better he is than everyone else in terms of looks, personality, being a flirt, and how many women he's slept with, which racks up in quite the high number. Most of his knowledge about the world is used just to impress women, whom usually fall for him, even men as well, since Winslow is Bi-sexual. Despite having such a horny, perverted nature, he still harbors an aura of caring, sometimes mistaken for flirting, due to how he's known.


Winslow grew up seperated from his older brother, Joineth, when they were born. The hedgehox was born to a Salamendren mother and a Windyx father, hence him being a Saladyx, a mixed breed of races, considered back then to be forbidden, giving Winslow extremely high amounts of learning experience and IQ. The reason for is flirtatious being was the way he was raised, raised with no laws, only freedom with the family that took care of him, being under Preston the fox. Winslow grew up through most of childhood and teenage years reading books and studying, learning an extremely large amount of knowledge at the age of 15. He lost his virginity to a random woman that took advantege of him, teaching him everything he needed to know about sex, thus leading Winslow down a path of sexual desires, and even changing him to be a very large man whore indeed. Throughout his adult years, Winslow became known around the area he lived in as "the fuck boi fox", but still managed to woo women to him. Since Winslow had no proper etiquite, he was free to do as he wished, a combination between street smarts and bed smarts, even being bi-sexual to have a "please anyone and everyone" personality, going so far as to be "the center of attention" in practically ANY given situation, big or small, since he learned that from a wolf friend of his. During a past incident, he reuinited with Joineth and got some sense knocked into him, being shown that there's still some hope left for him. What segmented Winslow into ultimately being a man-whore for good was rejection. While he was flirtatious by nature and fucked around, he did grow feelings for a woman, that even though they'd gotten close, the feelings were one-sided, as the woman who rejected Winslow was only kind, caring, passionate and friendly in nature, and had turned Winslow down not for his sexual desires, but because she hadn't seen him that way. Winslow felt betrayed because she'd had "led him on", telling him he was worth it, he needs to live, and that she cared about him, only for it be taken the wrong way, as Winslow thought it meant romantic feelings, but the woman had told him she just cares deeply for anyone and everyone. After a while, Winslow started to calm down, but still has that extremely perverted mood most of the time.


Winslow lives by himself, never bothering anyone as he keeps to himself. He works with his brother at the Syn HQ dojo, assissting their master and sensei, Layla. It was rumored that Winslow was secretely seeing someone until it was confirmed to be true, thus revealing Winslow's sexuality to the world, proving that he is indeed, Bi-sexual. He plans to go to college so that he may put his skills to use, and eventually build a good future for himself. He likes to spend his free time developing his ice powers and spend time with the people he cares for.


  • -Inspired by a handful of IRL people and fictional characters I know
  • -Biggest rival is his adopted brother Adam, since they share the same personality
  • -Has a soft spot for short stacked women and men, seeing them as adorable cuddly beans
  • -Lost his right ear and left eye in a drastic battle against a Windyx member
  • -Whenever having sex, he'll put on sexual music to set the mood even more. His favorite position is the full-nelson



Joineth Salamendren [ Brother ]

(copied from Joineth's bio) Joineth met Winslow or should I say met back up with him during a mission when Joineth had to fight against him, freeing him of Karnage's corruption and any of his demonic aura.


Angela Firestar [ Friend ]

These two met during one of Winslow's travels, getting to know each other and exuding their flirtatious manners towards each other. However, instead of becoming sexual partners, they become just good friends that threw flirtatious jokes and comments towards one another. Angie supports Winslow in all they do as they keep in contact with each other.


Aston [ boyfriend ]

Winslow and Aston met during the time that Winslow participated in Phantom's tournament. After Phantom lost, he and his group went back with Joineth and the others to fight alongside them against Karnage. Following them was little Aston who grew very fond of Winslow, finding his flirtatious yet confident nature to be attractive. Soon enough, the two of them grew close, and rumors started spreading of them dating, until Winslow revealed the truth. Despite still flirting with other women, he cares for and loves Aston desperately.