


6 years, 1 month ago



Name Rades
Age 22y/o
Gender Male
Race Human/Infected
Theme ---


Charisma ★ ★
Kindness ★ ★ ★
Integrity ★ ★
Caution ★ ★ ★
Intelligence ★ ★ ★


Height 180cm
Build Normal
Eyes Dark blue
Skin Paper White
Hair Dark blue


The Mukuro clan consists of two factions that evolved from a group of priests from the times of first people and was attacked by a plague that nearly killed the whole clan. The plague happened to be a magical disease, devouring the body of a person infected and slowly killing the organism if it tried to fight against the disease. Some of the Mukuro found a way to survive by accepting the plague in their bodies, which modified them on a cellular level, giving them abilities to use mana and dark magic coming from whatever created the Plague. As the first people didn’t accept the idea of using dark magic, the clan was then split in two factions, the first one dying off almost completely, and the „Infected” faction getting stronger and starting a whole new culture with their new abilities and rituals in order to preserve their power. As it was soon found out, children of infected Mukuro were very weak and couldn’t live longer than about 13 years, which is how the „Ritual of Infection” was created. At age of 10 every Mukuro had to accept cells of the original Plague that attacked their family almost 300 years ago in order to obtain the ability to bend dark magic and control life energy left on bones and flesh.

Rades was born about 300 years after the first strike of the Plague in the Infected faction of Mukuro clan. He went through the Ritual of Infection when he was 10 years old but he doesn’t remember much from it due to extreme pain and trauma during the ritual. His appereance always pushed people away from him, despite his quite warm and nice personality, so he was used to being alone since childhood. His parents disappeared shortly after his Ritual, leaving him with his grandmother who also became his teacher. As school wasn’t really his thing, his traditional education stopped when he learned the elemental basics of maths, reading, etc, and he started getting more into blight and necromancy.

Nowadays, at the age of 22 years old, he’s grown tired of his on power and doesn’t really use it anymore, especially in front of people, who usually react negatively to the sight of moving corpses or hybrids made of bones. Since his grandmother got too old to take care of the small store she used to run to buy and sell cursed items, he took this role, getting even more bored with his life. As quite a curious person, he has a dream to live an interesting adventure, and it comes true the day he meets Hapsirium at the street market and get into serious trouble with law. To sum up his personality, he’s a practical person who seems to lack emotions, loves dark humour and bad jokes, but still, he has a good heart.


  • Food
  • Graveyards
  • Company
  • Hapi
  • Adventures


  • Vampires
  • Losing members
  • Lacking mana
  • Hunger
  • Hot weather


  • "Don't call me a necromancer"
  • Respects life a lot
  • "No I'm not necrophiliac"
  • Likes animals without reciprocity
  • Can sew back lost members



His Bitch

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