✧ Ciri ✧



1 year, 29 days ago



~ Cirino ~

Male . 20y.o . fisherman

" Nothing like stargazing with you "

Ciri was one of the Chinshua tribe members; he was born in regular family, but his parents were extremely talented singers. Seeing that their son is talented too, that was only one thing they cared about. Ciri grew up as spoiled kid, pretty lazy and proud of his perfect voice. He believed that in future he doesn't need to do anything - just being pretty is enough. As older teen he found a partner, who in time became as abuser; he beat Ciri down a lot, knowing that young Ciri doesn't really have any place to go and he's too proud to come back to his parents. Eventually after some time of living like that, Ciri left Chinshua for good. He started to live in wild forest, collecting seeds and destroying traps made by Zairs - unfriendly species, pretty much Avai's enemies.

One day he was chased by Zairs and got badly injures in their attacks. He was almost sure that's end for him, but unexpectedly one Zair named Kha'kuzo were friendly for him and wanted to help instead of killing him. It was surprising for Ciri, but they befriended - very slowly, because Ciri didn't trust Kha'kuzo at full for a long time. Later Kha'kuzo finally told Ciri the real reason of this whole situation - he simply felt in love with Ciri in the first sight (which is called "bond" and it's important part of Zair's culture and their apperiance). Ciri accepted him as his partner and later they move into Zair's tribe.

Ciri finally started to be happy; he became one of the best local fishermen in tribe and almost everyone accepted him as their friend and part of the tribe.