Caihong (Genshin Impact OC)



1 year, 13 days ago




Nine Gates Hand
  • Element_Pyro.png Caihong
  • Caihong
  • Level 81/90 50569/216225
  • Age 25
  • Gender Female
  • Pronouns She/They
  • Birthday November 16
  • Region Liyue
  • Weapon Polearm

She is the owner of Yansheng Teahouse where she runs the below the board night activities. These activities have earned her the nickname of the Nine Gates Hand after the majhong terminology.

  • Extrovert Introvert
  • Intuitive Observant
  • Thinking Feeling
  • Jugdging Prospecting


Hailing from Liyue, Caihong's fire power shines through in their fighting style, igniting the battlefield with flowers and flare. Whether she's got backup or not, they'll rush right into a fight on their own terms.

Caihong, the Nine Gates Hand, is a fiery and fearless character in Genshin Impact. With her brash nature, impulsive demeanor, and unwavering confidence, she leaves a lasting impression on all who encounter her. As a 5-star rarity character, Caihong wields a polearm with grace and precision, utilizing powerful Pyro abilities. Hailing from Liyue, she embarked on a journey driven by a thirst for adventure. Caihong's adaptability and quick thinking were honed through countless quests, allowing her to emerge victorious even in the face of adversity.

She serves as the overseer of gambling at the Yansheng Teahouse, employing her sharp intuition to ensure fairness and order. Caihong's love for flowers is evident in her surroundings and appearance, with her hair adorned by a vibrant blossom. Her title, the Nine Gates Hand, represents her exceptional combat skills, blending the grace of a dancer with the strength of a warrior. With her fiery spirit, loyalty, and the power of Pyro at her disposal, Caihong embodies the essence of a true Nine Gates Hand.

Positive Traits

  • Adaptive
  • Determined
  • Quick Thinker
  • Charisma
  • Courageous
  • Confidant

Negative Traits

  • Impulsive
  • Stubborn
  • Risk-taker
  • Lack of Restraint
  • Impatiant
  • Overly Competitive


  • Flowers
  • Alcohol
  • Gambling
  • Spicy Food
  • Competition
  • Adventure


  • Boredom
  • Losing
  • Arrogance
  • The Milleth
  • Baizhu
  • Rigged Games


Caihong is a dark skinned, youthful tall woman who wears a blue, yellow, and red halterneck shirt with a pastel rainbow off-the-shoulder shirt. She wears orange shorts striped with red and a half skirt of the same pastel rainbow colouring.

Paired with a waist caped designed to mimic flames and a pair of blue knee high side-split tie boots that have orange soles. Their hair is tied back in a long high ponytail, with large, fluffy, choppily cut bangs, and garnished with a red and a yellow flower.

  • Hair #2d1511
  • Eye #bb4c43
  • Skin #783d2b

Design Notes

  • Pastel rainbow shirt + skirt
  • Waist cape mimicing flames
  • Red, Orange, and Yellow Flowers


  • Knows flower language and enjoys giving people bouquets that have insulting or flirtatious meanings. With the recipients being none the wiser.
  • Caihongs signature dish Rainbow Fried Noodles (Stir-Fried Fish Noodles), is a culinary masterpiece that combines a variety of flowers and flavors to create a visually stunning and delicious meal.
  • Caihong always carries a small charm she made from a combination of flowers and colorful feathers. She believes it brings her good luck and wards off misfortune.
  • As the overseer of gambling at the Yansheng Teahouse, Caihong is known for her unpredictable gambling style.
  • Caihong's signature polearm combat style incorporates fluid and acrobatic movements inspired by traditional dance forms.
600 100


Snapdragon Spear Normal Attack

Normal Attack

initiates a maximum of 4 attacks that deal Physical DMG.

Charged Attack

Charges forward dealing Physical DMG to any enemies in her path.

Plunging Attack

Plunges towards the ground from mid-air, damaging all opponents in her path. Deals AOE Physical DMG upon impact with the ground.

Passionate Pelargonium Elemental Skill

Caihong wraps a flower around the enemy closest to her, other close enemies are pulled towards said enemy via flaming vines, this inflicts continuous pyro DMG on affected enemies for 3 seconds before the flower explodes dealing AoE pyro DMG. The cooldown is 10 sec

Blazing Corolla Elemental Burst

wraps enemies in a flaming flower bud which explodes into a flower dealing AOE dmg and creating a field that heals and lowers allies cooldowns. It has a cooldown of 12 seconds and has an energy cost of 70

Poker Face 1st Ascension Passive

When multiple enemies are hit by Passionate Pelargonium teammates are healed equal to 15% of Caihong’s max health every 2 seconds for 10 seconds.

Parlour Trick 4th Ascension Passive

Using Passionate Pelargonium causes party members to gain a 15% of crit rate and crit DMG increase for 20 seconds.

Crafty Carnation Utility Passive

25% of materials refunded when crafting talent materials.


Flaming Flush

When inside Blazing Corolla party members will receive an elementary mastery increase equal to 10% of Caihong's max health


Blistering Boquet

When Blazing Corolla is used every 1.5 seconds a large burst of AOE pyro DMG will occur dealing 15% of Caihongs max health


Searing Stamen

Increases level of Passionate Pelargonium by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.


Cremated Corolla

If Caihong leaves the field after defeating an opponent with Passionate Pelargonium within 2 seconds she triggers an explosion that deals 200% of her ATK as AoE pyro DMG, for every extra enemy that Caihong defeats within the 2 seconds an extra 100% of her ATK is added


Ignited Iris

Increases level of Blazing Corolla by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.


Raging Ranunculus

Using Blazing Corolla reduces the cooldown of teammates abilities 50% faster and increases energy recharge for all teammates by 50%

  • Prisim Blossom
  • Polearm
  • Base ATK 608
  • Elemental Recharge 60.3%

Refinement Rank 5

Increases outgoing healing effectiveness by 18%. Upon triggering an Elemental Reaction, there is a 70% chance to release a burst of colorful energy, restoring additional HP equal to 40% of the wielder's Max HP to all characters in the party. Additionally, this effect increases the effectiveness of healing skills and abilities used by the wielder by 15% for 10 seconds after triggering an Elemental Reaction.

Forged by skilled artisans, the "Prism Blossom" polearm harnesses the essence of nature, bestowing healing power through vibrant bursts of energy.

Artifact Name

2-Piece Set: bonus.

4-Piece Set: Ill do this later

Character Details

Caihong, the Nine Gates Hand, is a fiery and fearless character in Genshin Impact. With her brash nature, impulsive demeanor, and unwavering confidence, she leaves a lasting impression on all who encounter her. As a 5-star rarity character, Caihong wields a polearm with grace and precision, utilizing powerful Pyro abilities. Hailing from Liyue, she embarked on a journey driven by a thirst for adventure. Caihong's adaptability and quick thinking were honed through countless quests, allowing her to emerge victorious even in the face of adversity.

She serves as the overseer of gambling at the Yansheng Teahouse, employing her sharp intuition to ensure fairness and order. Caihong's love for flowers is evident in her surroundings and appearance, with her hair adorned by a vibrant blossom. Her title, the Nine Gates Hand, represents her exceptional combat skills, blending the grace of a dancer with the strength of a warrior. With her fiery spirit, loyalty, and the power of Pyro at her disposal, Caihong embodies the essence of a true Nine Gates Hand.

Character Story 1

ou really wanna know more about me? Haha aren’t you curious. Well the basics are the best way to start. I’m the new head of Yansheng tea house and I run a completely legitimate business.

Character Story 2

Ever played mahjong before? It’s one of my favourite games! I have so many sets my favourite one is this hand painted bone china! It’s got flowers from all over teyvat painted on the pieces. Though that set is for me and whoever I trust not to break them, if you ever wanted to play I think I’d let you use them!

Character Story 3

Hah You’ve been to the lantern rite festivals right, those fireworks are amazing. They’re worth every last drop of mora and risk it requires to get them. My favourite spot to watch them is on top of bubu pharmacy. Hmm you thought I hate the pharmacy. Hehe I do but baizhus never there on lantern rite so I get to watch the fireworks in peace.

Character Story 4

I guess that since were a bit closer now I can trust you with more. But don’t tell anyone or I’ll put Yelan on you! Hehe before I ran the tea house I did heaps of undercover work like I have so many identities I can hardly keep track. I think my favourite one was my last one, when I played Okimi Asuka! Beidou smuggled me into inazuma to take notes on the treasure hoarder activity. Luckily it was a year before the vision hunt decree!

Character Story 5

Ahhhhh time flies doesn’t it, seems just like yesterday I did my first job. Now I’m practically retired and running a “tea house.” I can’t wait to see where the future takes us, who knows maybe we’ll become even closer friends. Maybe even work together, who knows what the universe has in store for us.

The Rainbow's Trail

This aged map of Teyvat is adorned with vibrant notations, a testament to Caihong's intrepid exploration through the lands. As her gaze fell upon the alluring realm of Inazuma, her adventurous spirit ignited with a fervor unmatched. Whispers of blooming flowers and hidden treasures reached Caihong's ears, compelling her to set foot on the shores of Inazuma. With her trusty map in hand, she embarked on a journey brimming with excitement and curiosity. Guided by the tales of the locals, Caihong sought out the legendary flora that bloomed amidst the stormy landscapes. She meticulously collected every radiant flower she encountered, marveling at their delicate beauty and capturing their essence within her heart. But Inazuma held more than just natural wonders; it also harbored secrets guarded by treacherous treasure hoarders. Undeterred by the looming danger, Caihong observed their activities from the shadows, taking meticulous notes to uncover their elusive hideouts and schemes. As she ventured deeper into the heart of Inazuma, Caihong's spirit intertwined with the realm's vibrant energy. The stormy skies mirrored her unwavering determination, matching the intensity of her passion for exploration.

Amidst her journey, Caihong discovered hidden shrines and sacred places, shrouded in mystique and guarded by formidable adversaries. Undaunted, she faced each challenge head-on, her polearm gleaming with rainbow hues as she danced through battles with unwavering grace. With every step, Caihong left a trail of blossoming flowers and inked notations, a testament to her vibrant presence in Inazuma. Her findings became a tapestry of knowledge, a guide for future adventurers who dared to follow in her footsteps. As the sun set on her Inazuma expedition, Caihong bid farewell to the land that had stirred her soul. She carried the memories of breathtaking landscapes, thrilling encounters, and the joy of discovering hidden treasures. With her map adorned with newfound insights and the fragrance of Inazuma's flowers lingering in her heart, Caihong set her sights on the next chapter of her extraordinary journey, eager to paint the world with the colors of her adventures once more.


I used to do a lot of undercover operations for the Liyue qixing and the feyun commerce guild, one sting went south pretty badly and I ended up cornered by heaps of treasure hoarders, luckily the pyro archon decided that my will and ambition was too good to loose!


Hiya! I’m Caihong. I’m the head of Yanshang tea house, I stepped up after the old owner’s fraud was exposed by the fatui and was thrown in jail, haha! I work pretty closely with the northland bank so if you ever need a loan I can get you a pretty good deal!

Chat: Shipment

You should stop by the tea house sometime, I just got a shipment of 60 year old baijiu in! I’ll give you a nice discount!

Chat: Fatui

Slippery little rats at least that’s what Yelan calls them, haha! But being serious I’ve figured out that their “firewater” is just snezhnayan baijiu! The only difference is that it can be made with potatoes! I’ve gotten a fair bit of it imported so I see the northland bank employees fairly often!

Chat: Third Round Knockout

Haha! The third round knockout’s really my only “competitor” in the alcohol market. Degui’s such a stingy businessman that he’s practically halved their sizes! Hah more business for me.

When It Rains

Ohnonono I don’t have an umbrella! I can’t go to work like this!

When Thunder Strikes

Uhh what does Yelan say about thunder? Something about only children being scared

When It Snows

Mmm I am very cold let’s please get to a fire

Good Morning

Urgh I’m never up this early, I might just go back to bed if that’s alright with you-

Good Night

The moons out and business is just as lively as ever!

About The Vision

I used to do a lot of undercover operations for the Liyue qixing and the feyun commerce guild, one sting went south pretty badly and I ended up cornered by heaps of treasure hoarders, luckily the pyro archon decided that my will and ambition was too good to loose!

Something to Share : Flowers

Did you know I love flowers!? All of them In every colour. I have a small flower garden in my backyard red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, even pink! I’m collecting flowers from all over teyvat. Liyue only has four flowers native to it but mondstat has three. I guess four as well if consider their lamp grass a flower.

About Xingqiu

“A mere bookworm” at least that’s what he calls himself. He has a far more powerful position than he’d lead you to believe and his grace with the guhua clan’s arts is unparalleled. While I wouldn’t say he’s particularly dangerous… I wouldn’t want to get on his bad side, I’m glad I departed on good terms with him and his family.

About Yelan

Who? Nope I’ve never heard of her haha, even if I did I wouldn’t mention her. I like her mora… and my head

About Yelan

Who? Nope I’ve never heard of her haha, even if I did I wouldn’t mention her. I like her mora… and my head


Happy Birthday! I have some flowers and my best bottle of baijiu, we can go climb on top of wangshu in and take some shots. What’d ya say?

Feelings About Ascension: Intro

Ooh! I’m feeling myself now, you’d better keep up!

Feelings about Ascension: Building Up

What would you do without me!

Feelings about Ascension: Climax

Wooo! You all ready for a light show!?

Feelings about Ascension: Conclusion

We’re here because We’re the best! Don’t you ever forget that!