
Basic Information

[ Name ] - Alejandro Baluyot

[ Nicknames ] - Anders

[ Age ] - 20

[ Gender ] - Male

[ Sexuality ] - Homoromantic Asexual

[ Pronouns ] - He/Him/His

[ Species ] - Human

[ Race/Ethnicity ] - French & Filipino

[ Languages ] - French, Tagalog

[ Height ] - 6'0


[ Significant Other(s) ] - N/A

[ Siblings ] - N/A

[ Parents ] - N/A

[ Children ] - N/A

[ Extended Family ] - N/A

[ Friends ] - N/A

[ Enemies ] - Social situations,,


[ Alias ] - Niyebe

[ Holder of... ] - The Snow Leopard Miraculous

[ Miraculous ] - Smiley Ring

[ Weapon ] - Claw Knuckles

[ Kwami ] - Folli

[ Stats ] - + Charisma, + Agility, + Hearing, + Sight, - Smarts


[ Hobbies ] - Drawing, blogging

[ Personality ] - Quiet and secluded normally, but uses his alias to let out the pent-up energy he tends to have. He's too socially awkward in his civilian form to make many friends at his college, so he uses his hero form to make friends with other heroes and win the role of team clown cat.

[ Likes ] - Captain Crunch cereal, the color teal, men

[ Dislikes ] - Men

[ MISC ] - Has a really bad stutter linked to his confidence and self-esteem, so if you startle him to the point of upsetting him, he will fuck up his words.