Carter Hagler Giovanna



1 year, 11 days ago


Carter Hagler Giovanna



Name Carter Hagler Giovanna
Gender Demiboy
Pronouns They/He
Age 15
Sexuality Pan
Ethnicity Japanese/British
Occupation High school Student
Residence Naples, Italy

"My father's dream was to cure this land of coruption, and he suceeded once, I just need to help him cleanse it again."


He is bit of an e-boy but social butterfly who likes to hang out with friends and helping out his dad, Giorno with mafia works and he does not like bad guys and villain very much like his other dad, Chris and will straight up fight them if they tried to hurt his friends or family.




He's a teenage boy of avarage height, a slim build, with fair skin, a star-shaped birthmark in the nape of his neck, chocolate brown hair fading into a golden blond in a short braid, light green eyes, and sharper than avarage canines.

Carter's usual attire a dark purple turtle neck, a black leather jacket, a grinning demon pin, a necklace with a cross atatched to it, and a second necklace with a dark blue pendant, two band peircings on both ears, two-fingered gloves only covering his middle and index finger, dark grey jeans, a belt with the same grinning demon as his pin, and boots buckled with two belts and laces.


Giorno Giovanna (Papa)

His mafia boss father, as well as the stand user of the powerful Gold Experiance Recquiem. He tries his best to be there and suportive to him and his older sister. When things get tough, Giorno orders his underlings to take him and Gioia to a safe room until the storm settles.

Chris Hagler Smith (Dad)

Once in a experimental polycule that ended mutually, now staying close to the family for Carter. He trains Carter in their family form fighting tecniques with his Stand.

Pannacota Fugo (Father)


Gioia Fugo Giovanna (older half-sister)




Present Day



He is an Stand Form Fighter and being both Joestar and Hagler Bloodline.

He has Hagler Glare like Chris and born with an stand like rest of Jostars and His stand is actually his form (a Bound Stand).

One trait rare about his stand form that his stand form can actually talk to him both in mind and spiritually.

His star-shaped birthmark is a signature of his Joestar bloodline.

Carter's stand didn't fully first manifest until he was 14 years old. Before then, he could only comunicate with Devilish Trickster through thoughts as a child.