Eliona Sylvan (Eliona Zekavica (BSD AU))



26? | she/her | Unknown

Wife to Matias Zekavica and Svyatoslav's adorable sister that works here as a medical assistant. The actually nicest lady in the entire department, even though she's not always present and is usually only seen in the medical wing. Very kind, gentle and calm. Great at her job and could potentially be more than just an assistant. Slava protects her from unwanted attention and tries not to let her know too much about the work they really do here. He doesn't have to try so hard though, she knows more than she lets on. With the kind of wounds and other problems they're dealing with it's pretty easy to guess, and she's aware of more. Though she doesn't support violence and the FSB's goals are far from her values, she still wants to help out. Friends with Max who usually tells everyone that he invited this girl here from another world. Also friends with Dima, whom she seems to know more than he knows her. It appears that she has an undisclosed ability as well. Her age might not be real.