gather around! FlamingoTheRainwing fajiterian -Topaz_ @kirscheaxlotl Sweedspeed Finch_Of_Clovers _paintwithnot CaptainRobi Avitherum Warrck winnie_luvs_jjba ZanethePa1n Kuja Memoca Dokapon ouijabunny

the winner is...


Sweedspeed!! please claim your reward within three days (11:59PM PST, 6/12). comment or dm with the character you'd like drawn, and any specifications you'd like. (i could use practice with robots haha, good opportunity i guess)

thank you all for entering!

Congratulations to the winner !!!

Subscribed and favorited and favorited Saiph! I was hoping you could draw Payaso, he is chaotic neutral and purely lives off disorder and chaos, however he isn't evil, he just doesn't have the ability to feel any sort of emotions besides those he give him joy so he runs into some problems at times when around others XD you asked for an infodump so here it is lol

pasayo seems fun! you have three entries, good luck!

Favorited this and Saiph + subscribed :)

cool!!!! you've got two entries, good luck!!


Faved and Subbed! ^^

you got one entry, good luck!

Faved, subbed, faved Saiph and Shared

I would love an icon for my Sona Hoku because I’m in love with your art style ♥️ They are a pro with the pan and the oven, ask them anything and they’ll cook or bake you something amazing ;) Also warning, big 2010 Vibes, it’s their whole aesthetic!!

awesome!! very 2010 indeed

you have four entries good luck!

Faved Saiph and followed on twitter also(and I am a definite FF9 enjoyer)
I'd like an icon of my Sona cause I don't have one of this version, insofar as infodumping there's not a tone of lore but there is a few fun facts like this being the 3rd version of them(or MK.III) and the fact that designing them was sort of a big bonding experience between me and my partner.

got it boss. and good taste

you got four entries, good luck!

faved this and Saiph. Also Subbed

Would get an icon for my slime rancher sona c: They live in the slime rancher world at Rainbow Island which is the location on the second game! They are a rancher who accidently got gene spliced with a saber/hunter largo and now look as they do!

oo nice. i need to play slime rancher at some point

you got three entries, good luck!

Faved both, already subbed, and followed twitter :)

awesome !

you got three entries, good luck!

I did all three buddo. (Except saiph cos that was decades ago). Also if you give me 1000 entries, ill take him to mcdonalds.

Gonna need an icon for The Creator.

got it boss

you have five entries good luck!


Sadly no mcdonalds for Saiph :)

Faved, subbed and did all of the extras!

Here's the bulletin! My username on Twitter is the same one as here!

I would get an icon of Freya! My friend designed her for me and I absolutely love how she turned out!! She doesn't have a story or much of a personality yet but I adore her nevertheless :D

awesome! i really love freya omg, you're right :D

you've got five entries, good luck!

Thank you!! :D

Howdy! I’d like to enter!

I have favorited your character,

Created a bulletin,

and this is the character I would have you draw if I were to win! 

This is Basil, who is a single father and loves his daughter more than life itself. He is an introvert, and enjoys quiet activities such as reading, or sitting outside with a hot cup of coffee.

thank you! basil seems very cool :)

you've got four entries, good luck!

This user's account has been closed.

you've got one entry! good luck :)

Faved and subbed + faved oc + my bulletin!

you've got three entries! good luck :)

  • Faved + Subbed (+1)
  • Faved Saiph (+1)
  • Bulletin (+1)
  • Followed on twitter, same user as here (+1)

    okay inhales
    thje character im thinking about getting drawn if i win is Atlas
    he is a kinsona of sun from fnaf security breach which i am currently very hyperfixated on and i lov ehim very much
    he runs a daycare in a megamall with Nova 
    they're silly i llove them very very much

doesn't look like i can see a fave on saiph ^__^; you'll have four entries for now!! good luck

(also just droppin a note! careful on sharing around characters you consider kinsonas! i am fine with them, but it's against site rules and miiiight be privated in the future, despite the sorta... nothing of moderation we've got here lmao)

WHOOPs sorry i faved them just now
(yeahh im aware, ive had problems with it in the past; kinsonas in general arent against the rules, just ones that are blatant copies of their canon characters, atlas and nova are relatively much different so they're fine from what i know)

YOU'RE GOOD MAN. five entries now!

>:33 Am already subbed & I have faved thy post 👀 UHH already faved Saiph 👁️👁️ and I mean pshhh if it weren't obvious, I have totally not played final fantasy 9, nah nah

UHHHH as for character... Hmmmmmmm 🤔 how bout Canary? He's a lil' nuts being created and all by a boy full of spite. Due to the events of being created, he also has a more narcissistic personality and also REALLY loves anything gold lmao 

YUHHH i love canary. love me the ff9 inspired characters. delicious

you've got three entries! good luck :3c

Faved this + Saiph and subbed here and on Twitter <33 (I'm Memocavixxi there!)

I would love an icon of Fran if I win!! She's a thief who likes to collect anything shiny and she gets super excited about pretty much anything! She also really really likes women :>

what a cute design, love it!!

you've got four entries, good luck!

Thank you so much!! ^v^

Did all, my twitter is kurusuhater, bulletin here, and if I won I'd loveee to have Plato drawn.. he needs a little more love I think. I've been thinking about giving him a vague story outline but I'm not too sure where I'd take it tbh ?? I'm thinking of making Plato an alias and having nobody - not even himself - know his real name. Something something hitman for a big corporation who ends up just being a puppet for their greater schemes and ends up disposed of before he can do anything about it. Maybe. I never write stories for my ocs so this might be a first. Anyways I'm rambling, good luck to everyone else !! ^_^

Also I might play FFIX soon, need a new game to sink into..


plato looks very cute, great choice and interesting blurb on em!! you have been given five entries; good luck!

Thankq very much !! :3

faved and subbed!

you're all set with one entry, thank you!