
2 mohs
597 years old


realgar is a young, mischevious gem with an interest in ecology. he is supposed to spend most of his time in his lab, but chooses to sneak out and collect specimen himself. seraphinite is basically his babysitter and is often the one to bring him back to his lab.

  • my houseki no kuni gemsona


  • realgar's composition changes in sunlight - parts exposed to the sun will turn yellow and weaken.
  • he fractures easily, and the smaller parts that break will turn to a dust.
  • other gems have made note of the explosive properties of this powder, and have begun collecting it the best they can when realgar breaks.
  • he has a really poor memory.
  • realgar's left eye is orange and right eye is red! he wears an oversized labcoat.


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