Lily Pond



1 year, 9 days ago


Lily Pond

Lily Pond


2'7 ft





"Lily Pond has the best aquarium in Welcome Home. She is always adding to her amazing collection of fish for everyone to admire. Lily may not be the friendliest resident in the neighborhood, but she's willing to learn on how to be the best neighbor she can be."

Lily has a fascination for sea life, so she's always depicted to be fishing by a lake or pond to add to her aquarium. Ironic given that her entire character is a fish type species, which is an axolotl. It's unknown of Lily's origins before moving into the neighborhood It is often played off as a secret since Lily refuse to talk about her past.

According to uncovered scripts, Lily has high knowledge about the ocean and sea life. In some scenes or two, she will give lessons and teach the audience about ocean life and her knowledge about sea animals, however she rarely does so in some scripts. While she loves and cares for the fishes that are in her aquarium, her most favorite fish is her pet rainbow guppy named Bubbles, to which treats her like it's her baby. In some illustrations, Lily is seen carrying Bubbles around the neighborhood in a round water bowl.

From what is left of Lily's character in the old scripts, she was not the kindest neighbor in the show. Lily was written to be a bully and seems to find enjoyment in making other neighbors upset or angry. In every skit she's in, she's always saying something mean towards the other neighbors, however none of the other neighbors seemed to be bothered by Lily's antics. In fact, it seemed that the neighbors were trying to help teach Lily to be more nice and respectful towards others. Despite Lily not having the best qualities, she still joined in on the other neighbors adventures and participated in their activities. She was mostly used as a teaching tool to tell viewers not to be a bully and how they can improve on their bad behavior.

Lily may seem like a friendly neighbor, but actually, she's quite mean and sometimes harsh with her words. She would switch personalities from sweet and kind to blunt and mischievous. She rarely gets along with the other neighbors, but despite that, she still manages to form a few bonds with them and has some kind of friendship, but she's still not a nice person. She gains enjoyment from bullying others and is always looking for a way to cause drama. The only time she ever shows kindness or empathy is towards the fishes she collects, especially towards her most favorite fish, Bubbles, a rainbow guppy.


  • Fishes
  • Taking care of her fishes
  • Fising at a pond or lake
  • Being alone
  • Bullying
  • Swimming
  • Collecting seashells


  • Making friends
  • Hot weathers
  • Kindess
  • Romance
  • Voice Claim - Diane Guerrero
  • Lily has a full aquarium of fish but her favorite pet fish is a rainbow guppy named, Bubbles.
  • Human Lily is Colombian with vitiligo.

Lily does not get along with Wally at all. Lily doesn't understand, nor care about the beauty of art, so she often insults his work and would ask him annoying questions just to bother him.


Lily doesn't like Julie and tries to avoid her. Julie is always trying her best to be friends with Lily, despite the fact that Lily isn't the nicest person. Julie believes that there's a little bit of good in everyone. Many times she tries to convince Lily to hang out with her and the other neighbors because she believes that Lily can become good.


Lily is always making fun or trashing Sally's plays. Lily is always trying to provoke Sally and she picks on her the most because Sally is very passionate about her plays and hates the fact that Lily is trying to ruin them. There are rare times where Lily would scheme something, but with Sally, she always crafts something to sabotage her plays in some way.


Barnaby is more laid back and is never bothered by Lily's words, so she often avoids him since she can't get much of a reaction out of him. Lily really hates Barnaby's jokes and cringes every time he tells one. Barnaby is one of the few neighbors that Lily bothers the least.


Lily loves picking on Eddie. She would often go up to him and demand things from him just to freak him out. She never insults him, but she does love to follow him around to see him make any single clumsy mistake so that she can laugh at him. Eddie is always nervous to deliver packages or mail to Lily's place since he's always worried that she would laugh at him or even say something hurtful.


Both Frank and Lily despise each other. Unlike Julie, Frank would call out Lily for her mean attitude and would ask her to leave everyone alone and keep her thoughts to herself. Lily would bother Frank at certain times just to make him angry. Frank and Lily always have fights and always give each other mean looks. Lily thinks Frank always spoils her fun whenever he tries to stop her from picking on other neighbors. The only person to keep them calm is Julie.


Poppy is the only neighbor that Lily is never mean to. Lily admires Poppy and is a huge fan of her baking. Even though Lily leaves Poppy alone and is nice to her, Poppy often gets visibly nervous whenever she's near Lily because she knows what Lily does and says to the other neighbors. Poppy often gets worried that one day Lily would say something mean to her, but she never did. Nonetheless, Poppy would allow Lily to stay over and the two would share quality time together while having small talk.


Lily is terrified of Howdy for how big and strong he is, so she leaves him alone and never speaks to him. She only goes into his shop to ask for things she needs, to which he nicely provides. Howdy is aware of Lily's mean attitude towards other neighbors but since she leaves him alone, he always puts on a friendly face and proceeds doing what he loves, giving his fellow neighbors products they need. Besides, he can't be harsh with her, that would look bad on him and his business.

They don't get along at all. Lily struggles to understand what Polly is saying most of the time, so she would occasionally avoid her since she can't get much of a reaction out of her. However, she enjoys her baking and often thanks her for them.

Lily loves picking on Vanny. She's a very easy target because Vanny is easily scared and cries. But eventually Lily stopped since Vanny is too easy of a target. Lily prefers a pure reaction and a bit of a challenge.

Lily likes making fun and getting angry reactions out of Astra. Lily and Astra are another pair of neighbors that often fights and argues, but it's often over something small and petty.

Lily is always trying to find ways to make William angry, but he is never bothered by her words and never gets angry. So, she leaves him alone since she can't provoke him in any way.

While Lily enjoys picking on Spike for he gives scared reactions, she leaves him alone as well since he is another person who's too much of an easy target.

Lily likes to mock and make fun of Willoughby. The two constantly fight and often argue until Willoughby would walk away which always satifies Lily.

Lily leaves Wendy alone since she feels like she's not worth picking on. Wendy hides from her anyway so she doesn't bother her.