


11 months, 15 days ago

Basic Info


Dimitri Sommer




5' 3"


Male (he/him)


He gives the most bi vibes I've ever felt for a character ngl






Dimitri Sommer
↪ AGE: 23
↪ HEIGHT: 5' 3"


One of Supernova's main antagonists (which is unfortunate for our protags, because Dimitri singlehandedly provides the antags with the power of friendship).

The unsuspecting ace anchor of the all-Pyre fighting team: 4AK.

From the age of ten years old, Dimitri grew up on the streets of Meskor. As a young teen, he picked up odd jobs wherever he could and often pushed others to do the same, providing a pillar of support as they learned to stand on their own feet. Others often tried to take advantage of Dimitri due to his quiet nature and unimposing stature, but they usually ended up being throttled or burnt to death by his Pyre—the ability to set oneself ablaze—abilities. Dimitri doesn't shy away from using violence if necessary and is quite the slippery fighter... Though being evasive and quick on his feet was a necessary skill for him to hone; Dimitri has hemophilia and has developed an intense fear of bleeding and injury. He's used to cauterizing his own wounds, but Dimitri is still intolerant of any and all threats of violence made towards him.

Dimitri got tied up with a gang in his later teen years, but he cut himself from those connections after finding a family in a young medical student, Everett, and his younger sister Cleo. Everett let Dimitri live with him and his sister as Dimitri worked towards a fresh start, getting therapy for his anger issues and finding work. However, after Everett was killed by an unknown party, Dimitri devoted himself to revenge. He and Cleo assumed Everett was targeted due to Dimitri's past gang connections, so the pair set to tracking them down and picked off every member of Dimitri's old gang with the help of another unknown party. Afterwards, the two went into hiding, later meeting Lorie and Neo and forming 4AK (affectionately referred to as FAK by some).

Dimitri has always been on the quiet side, but he's nowhere near shy.

He doesn't back down from confrontation and he's one to pull people behind him when situations turn dangerous. Despite his confidence in his own abilities, Dimitri prefers to resolve conflict before those situations arise, and as a keen observer of people and their character, Dimitri often acts as a mediator or peacekeeper to meet those ends. However, he's completely willing to achieve peace through alternate means; people who assume pacificity from him sometimes end up with a broken arm.

On the surface, Dimitri appears to be a loner type and can be a little standoffish at times, but he loves company and people. He enjoys getting out and doesn't like to be excluded from any sort of event, but this often leads to him exhausting himself. He'll be a little grouchy and wear a near-permanent scowl when he runs himself dry, but he'll just need a few days to crash in the quiet company of close friends to recover.

When he's comfortable with his crowd, he comes off as quite lax and often takes the position of a devil's advocate. Beneath the jokes and teasing, he's situationally aware and quietly very loving and thoughtful, often giving small gifts or buying food for his friends. Incredibly loyal, level-headed, and sensitive to others' needs, Dimitri is the person you would call after a 3am breakdown. Or, in character archetype terms, you could probably refer to him as the group's "Heart."

Dimitri also loves the thrill of performance. He feels the most comfortable when he's playing a role of some sort and he would've probably been a theatre kid if given the chance, but alas! He must settle for the role he plays when he runs as the ace of 4AK.

↪ Cleo
Cleo is like a little sister to Dimitri. The two have been inseparable since Everett's death, forming quite the deadly duo. While Dimitri plays as a "big brother", he's aware he can never replace Everett. And while Cleo still looks up to him, he looks up to Cleo in equal regard; he doesn't think he could have recovered from Everett's death if Cleo weren't strong as well.

↪ Lorie
4AK's team leader is one of the few people who have fully earned Dimitri's trust and respect. Though some dismiss Lorie as an optimistic fool, Dimitri would support him in almost everything.

Mingjué paid for Everett's medical education as well as served as his employer, so Dimitri had frequent, brief encounters with her. However, her past connection to Everett is enough for Dimitri to trust her, even when he later recognizes her as the assassin, Black Sheep.

After a hostile encounter with Unit 01 (during which Dimitri starts a fistfight and almost shatters his arms in the process), Dimitri initially considers Xane to be a rival of sorts. However, after leaving 4AK and joining Mingjué and Xane in their cause, Dimitri develops a pretty close friendship with Xane. The two work well in tandem as Min's hands.

Songs to get his vibe(s)
Unlike Pluto- Sunlight or Demise
Bring Me The Horizon - It Never Ends
Twenty One Pilots - Trees
Ludovico Einaudi - Divenire