Crimson Daemos



Name Crimson Daemos

Called Crim, Demon Reaper

Pronouns They/Them

Birthday Content

Species Shapeshifter Demon

Profession Reaper

Theme Song Name

HTML Pinky


Raised in Kosmos, resident of Sanapeccum, Crimson is over a thousand years old and has still somehow never truly grown up. Oldest child of Orchid Daemos, Crimson has been a centerpiece in all of their mother's plans since the first war they lived through, and also their mother's first disappointment. They learned to stop caring what the world thought about them at a young age, and in turn learned to treat the world with cruelty. They went out of their way to torment and watch people suffer, not because it brought them joy, but because they could, and they didn't need any reason more than that.

Crimson can see a person's soul, both while and after it is attached from the body, and because they are able to manipulate them as well, they were invited to work as a reaper. They can only shapeshift into others by consuming part of their soul, and all reapers are only allowed to absorb half of each, so Crimson was incredibly enthusiastic about their work, seeking out active warzones and places of poverty to pick up any lingering souls they can and gain more shapes to turn into. Their mother even found a way for them to travel back to Kosmos to reap the souls there as well. They were a horror story, a cryptid told to kids around the fire about dopplegangers. They would prey on those who feared them and those who tried to respect them alike... Until they absorbed Eymo

Due to intentionally going against their mother's word, Crimson knew they needed to join their oldest and youngest sisters on the run, intending to follow them to Kosmos. The situation was about to be more different than Crimson had ever lived through, and so they absorbed the child's whole soul, expecting to gain more powerful, but rather getting Eymo's entire being shoved into their body as well. He remained dead, but Crimson's personality and feelings were highly, highly influenced, causing them to become more emotional and artistic, recognizing aspects of the world they never would have seen before. They became defensive of Recrium, a very close friend of Eymo's, and vowed to protect him even though they were previously trying to kill him.

They have since been captured, dragged back to Sanapeccum kicking and screaming by their brothers, and Eymo's soul extracted from their body. While they feign their old attitude, their newfound feelings toward the world have not left them, like a scar that didn't heal right. When Recrium is still under threat from Crimson's family, they realize that they still see him as a child-- their child. When Recrium accepts his death and makes a contract trading their service after death for a few peaceful years of life, Crimson tried to talk them out of it. Even when Recrium decides to join in on Crimson's old seer hunting, bitter about the life he never got to live, they can't help but feel badly for the people they kill.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Optimistic Pessimistic
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious



Other's Discomfort - Pre-Eymo Before consuming Eymo's soul, Crimson found it entertaining to watch people squirm around them, and would intentionally say and do things to make them upset. They found it delicious when people struggled to hide things from them, knowing that all they had to do was kill them to learn everything they ever knew.

The Rust Forest - Pre-Eymo A forest well-known for the mass execution of innocent accused seers carried out there, Crimson used to love it because they were the cause of it. When Lehoi messed up his first attempt at a "job" assigned by their mother, Crimson made everything "better" by pretending to be a local god and demanding what was essentially a blood sacrifice. They stopped liking it after Eymo became apart of them.

Real Food Though they can sustain themself with souls, they much prefer to eat it for themself. They find the whole process to be healthy for their mind and body, and enjoy the flavors involed. They even got into cooking and have gotten really good at it, though they'd never admit that to anyone in their family.

Their Sickles Following a long-held Sanapeccum tradition, Crimson was given a soulbound weapon they they matured out of Orchid's care-- two sickles that they wield with wicked pride. Their time spent with these weapons was long and their skills are destructive.


The Rust Forest - Pre-Eymo A forest well-known for the mass execution of innocent accused seers carried out there, Crimson used to love it because they were the cause of it. When Lehoi messed up his first attempt at a "job" assigned by their mother, Crimson made everything "better" by pretending to be a local god and demanding what was essentially a blood sacrifice. They stopped liking it after Eymo became apart of them.

Dislikes 2 List something they don't like then give a small description about it.

Dislikes 3 List something they don't like then give a small description about it.

Dislikes 4 List something they don't like then give a small description about it.



Attack Rusty
Defense Defensive
Magic Technical at Best
Resistance Torture as Practice
Agility Stamina over Speed
Stamina Persistence Predator
Strategy Think in the Moment
Luck Preety Lucky


Eons of Experience Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

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Thing Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

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Height Changes

Build Changes

Eyes Lime Green, Unchanging

Skin Tone Changes

Hair Color Chnages

Hair Style Plain

Demeanor Cocky and Sly


  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit.
  • Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.
  • In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam blandit vel nibh feugiat pellentesque. Vivamus posuere blandit lobortis. In vitae lectus quam. Sed aliquam dolor a imperdiet finibus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas in porta velit. Nunc faucibus mi ac nisi iaculis ultricies. Morbi sit amet ultricies tellus. Nunc accumsan neque metus, vitae porttitor risus iaculis ut. Vivamus commodo consequat magna vel volutpat. Fusce aliquam quam neque, eu maximus quam convallis et.

Nulla a mollis orci. Nulla sed odio suscipit, pulvinar dui ac, porttitor nibh. Aliquam tincidunt, justo quis feugiat vulputate, nunc justo lobortis eros, vitae mattis turpis lacus quis arcu. Morbi fermentum, eros a viverra imperdiet, mi leo rutrum nisi, in eleifend sem metus eu odio. Duis congue, tortor eget sodales mattis, dui velit dignissim lorem, quis commodo est purus sit amet urna. Fusce ac interdum libero. Vivamus imperdiet ullamcorper nisi eu porttitor. Praesent consequat, turpis sit amet lobortis rhoncus, mi magna feugiat velit, a tincidunt nisl diam sit amet sapien. Donec nisi lacus, sodales vitae diam quis, vehicula pellentesque ante. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Integer feugiat mauris risus, in luctus metus bibendum sed.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam blandit vel nibh feugiat pellentesque. Vivamus posuere blandit lobortis. In vitae lectus quam. Sed aliquam dolor a imperdiet finibus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas in porta velit. Nunc faucibus mi ac nisi iaculis ultricies. Morbi sit amet ultricies tellus. Nunc accumsan neque metus, vitae porttitor risus iaculis ut. Vivamus commodo consequat magna vel volutpat. Fusce aliquam quam neque, eu maximus quam convallis et.

Quisque quis posuere arcu. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nullam in sem non sem efficitur aliquet. Donec ac convallis lorem, eu mattis metus. Etiam bibendum justo vel turpis malesuada, et malesuada purus condimentum. Proin suscipit ac arcu a vestibulum. Vivamus lacinia urna eget eleifend suscipit. In vestibulum feugiat auctor. Phasellus ac ornare nibh. Integer condimentum placerat velit, id mollis massa gravida nec. Ut at turpis ut nisl sollicitudin aliquet. Phasellus pretium feugiat eros, vitae aliquam nibh ullamcorper nec.


Donec ut nulla fringilla mi sodales mattis. Morbi sit amet congue justo, quis pretium ante. Aliquam nec pretium massa. Suspendisse erat eros, congue non malesuada in, sagittis volutpat erat. Quisque cursus pretium ligula, efficitur sodales velit malesuada at. Vestibulum et turpis ut odio sagittis efficitur. Morbi congue urna odio. Proin maximus, elit eget tincidunt iaculis, neque urna interdum diam, eget pharetra tellus dui vitae nisl.

Nulla a mollis orci. Nulla sed odio suscipit, pulvinar dui ac, porttitor nibh. Aliquam tincidunt, justo quis feugiat vulputate, nunc justo lobortis eros, vitae mattis turpis lacus quis arcu. Morbi fermentum, eros a viverra imperdiet, mi leo rutrum nisi, in eleifend sem metus eu odio. Duis congue, tortor eget sodales mattis, dui velit dignissim lorem, quis commodo est purus sit amet urna. Fusce ac interdum libero. Vivamus imperdiet ullamcorper nisi eu porttitor. Praesent consequat, turpis sit amet lobortis rhoncus, mi magna feugiat velit, a tincidunt nisl diam sit amet sapien. Donec nisi lacus, sodales vitae diam quis, vehicula pellentesque ante. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Integer feugiat mauris risus, in luctus metus bibendum sed.



Recrium Kell

adopted child

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Orchid Daemos


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.