
Height: 6'1"

Age: 26

Powers: Electrical blasts, manipulation (Can feed off of any power source or cause changes in said energy sources.), Superhuman durability. Is able to take on the form of energy itself and traverse freely. Can easily output over 400,000 volts of electricity, but struggles beyond that. Is trained in Karate and Jeet Kune Do, but mostly because of his movie roles.

Coming from a celebrity background, Nathan Zimmerman is no stranger to the spotlight.

His parents, famous movie stars Tom Zimmerman and Amanda Cash, had shown him first-hand the life in store for him in the future. Cameras, movie sets, glitz and glam!

All his life he was told he was destined for greatness, all while his parents's marriage was destined for failure.

He always admired the superheroes he saw doing good deeds around Manhattan. Especially the fame and glory that came with that line of work.

So much so, that after his parents divorced at the start of his acting career, he took it upon himself to become a superhero. The youngest and LAST one of the United States Superhuman Force (U.S.S.F.) Program.

At age 19, he had gone through training and passed the proper trials and physicals to become eligible for the procedure.

He was placed in a specialized tank filled with a secret liquid used to alter someone's biology. After several hours of submersion, he began to feel the liquid around him tingle. The energy around him became palpable somehow, as machines began to fluctuate and spike in their power.

However things went from a electrical agony! Like he was being tased on every square inch of his body.

The building he was at was being attacked by the crazed SINI-STARR, as they had broken into the scene and killed all the engineers involved.

Then, with pure disgust at seeing someone else go through what she went through, she cut one of the wires above his tank with her heat vision and let it fall into his tank.

This sent an extreme amount of electricity through his body, and would've likely killed him had the liquid not reacted alongside to the sudden energy source introduced to the process...

He had already passed out from the pain, as the tank drained itself long after she had left.

He got up, the pain slowly subsiding as he saw arcs of orange electricity traverse between his fingertips. He smiled, realizing what this meant.

The procedure was still a success, despite the attack. Instead of gaining some standard powers, he had now become the "Sensei of the Dojo of Shock!" Or at least that's what he calls himself.

The smooth talking, big headed, Hollywood prince himself, was now known as:

BLITZKRIEG!!! The Celebrity Superhero Golden Boy!

Now if only his movies were good enough to even get a "golden boy"...