
Age: 23

Height: 5'4"

Powers: Gravitational manipulation, light healing factor, (potential warping of space time?), telekinesis, erasure of matter with "Black Hole Palm" attacks, (future powers are to be discovered.)

Born in Amsterdam, Amanda Becker spent her life as an orphan delinquent. Oftentimes she was caught hanging out with the wrong crowds in the streets and records show the police always bringing her back to the orphanage after one of her getaway attempts.

Amanda usually didn't get along with the other children, often because of her strong and snarky attitude. In fact, she was usually a big bully to the others. If there was one positive thing she would put her focus on were her driving skills.

She has loved cars and motorcycles for as long as she could remember, learning at an early age how to drive and live dangerously behind the wheel. Of course, with more then a few wrecked vehicles along the way.

However, once she became 18, she was finally kicked out of the home, as she returned to her familiar element: the streets of Amsterdam.

With her driving skills, she quickly turned to crime, helping any robbers escape the scene for a reasonable fee. However, when she heard of the chance for the biggest score of her career in America, she could not resist. Using the cash she earned, she fled from the Dutch authorities and went with the mysterious men who told her about the job. Compared to her usual clients, however, these men seemed rather professional looking and had American accents.

After sneaking out of her country with them, she was soon brought into a strange facility located underground. She kept hearing the others around her talking about the place, as she began to grow suspicious. PROJECT PROMETHEUS definitely didn't sound like your run of the mill bank robber group.

Soon, she was lined up inside some sort of lab with a handful of other strangers that she talked to back in the grand lobby. She saw a set of 5 large glass tanks, filled with a clear bubbling liquid and hooked up to a lot of computers and machines.

For the first time in her life, Amanda began to feel nervous. But she noticed the doors behind them were locked and guarded. Her newfound friends kept talking about how they heard of this place from some celebrities they talked to or from an unmarked letter in their mail.

With nowhere to go, Amanda initially tried to fight her way out and run. However, she was swiftly overpowered and carried to the testing area against her will. Then she lost consciousness, sedated by one of the guards.

When she finally came to, she was in a medical robe, laying on top of a bed. The most shocking part for her was that the bed was floating in the middle of the room! When she screamed, however, it quickly began to fall as she landed hard back on the mattress.

A voice on the intercom reassured her that she was going to be okay, introducing herself as Director CARTER WAYNE.

After some explanation, Amanda was told that the PROMETHEUS facility she was taken to had been raided by a USSF backed superhero force known as the PARAGON ALLIANCE. They had found her in a similar state of gravitational flux as she was in the room, revealing she was gifted superpowers while she was unconscious.

They also knew of Amanda's criminal past and instead of sending her back to Dutch authorities, Director Wayne proposed a job for her. She would be granted amnesty if she used her newfound powers and driving talents as a newly recruited Paragon. She would be doing good for the world instead of her usual role being involved in petty crimes.

The voice then had a body, as a white haired woman walked in to offer the deal personally.

Once again seeing no alternatives, as well as the fact she didn't want to go back home to deal with these powers and the police alone, she accepted and began her new career as


(Her only regret is that she's stuck being disguised as a pizza girl now.)

[The office of Dr. Emmy Nguyen, 1230 hours. Official Transcript.]

Dr. Nguyen: How are you feeling today, Amanda?

Amanda: Well, clearly not well if I'm here in my shrink's office.

Dr. Nguyen: Amanda...

Amanda: Right... it's just a habit, that's all. Anywho...yeah I've been having those...dreams, again.

Dr. Nguyen: Hmm the same as last time?

Amanda: Yeah...only... I...think I remember saying a name in there...or hearing it.... it's all so fuzzy.

Dr. Nguyen: You've been taking your medication, yes?

Amanda: God I hate swallowing pills...but...yeah. I have. They taste like shit too but this has been the first time in a while I've dreamed about him again.

Dr. Nguyen: Brother? You've never called him that before...

Amanda: That's because I've never actually had a name for him before.

Dr. Nguyen: I see...can you possibly tell me his name then? If you don't mind.

Amanda: ....Michael...