


1 year, 9 days ago



•Full Name
•Blood type
• Kuroichi
• Female
• June 10th
• 13 Years
• Chaos x Poison Pure Hybrid
• B-
• Alive
• Straight/Demisexual
• Ku, Kuroi
• None

Physical Description

• Yes
• Yes
• Yes

Character Information

• Kiro, Mura
• Momoko
• Teen
• Slave/Rogue

Stats / Strengths 

  • Elemental P.
  • Physical P.
  • Defense
  • Elemental D.
  • Speed
  • Stamina
  • Scores 4,5/6
  • Scores 4,5/6
  • Scores 4,5/6
  • Scores 4,5/6
  • Scores 3,5/6
  • Scores 5/6

Advantage / Disadvantage 

- Forester
- Water
- Metal

- Fire
- Sand
- Earth


Kuroichi is known as a very shy and quiet teenager, being the complete opposite of her species due to being captured at 1 year old and growing up among other species, she became very depressed and dependent on Shivani seeing her as a mother figure, she'll help her by taking a close look on the other slaves but she won't snitch on them, she'll just let Shivani know what they're up to, she's just a teen and doesn't know better, she grew up thinking Shivani was good and came to love her as a family.


Born to a couple of a poison male named Kiro and a female chaos wolf named Mura, they had a failed litter of three puppies, while two of them died at birth, one female poison pup survived, she was named by Kuroichi. 

Kuroi was growing up near the poison forest when at 1 year old she was captured by her uncle and sold to a female sand wolf named Kacey, she was the brought to a slave camp hidden in the desert and given to a psychic wolf named Shivani, a collector.

Being just a child, Kuroi didn't know any better, she grew up living among other species and so her natural behaviour drastically changed, she also grew attached to Shivani and viewed her as her mother, usually helping Shivani to look after the other slaves, she never disobeys her mama. 

Her parents looked everywhere for her for 12 years and in the meantime they had another litter but again only one pup survived, Kuroi's little sister Momoko was born and raised carefully by the couple, afraid that she would also be taken away from their paws just like their first child.

To this day Kuroi still lives in the camp under Shivani's care, while many slaves tries to escape, she doesn't, she feels like this is her home and if she leaves no one will love her like Shivani does, so she decides to stay and sabotage the plan of her fellow packmates to escape the so called "heaven".


- Kuroichi is a poison x chaos hybrid, her father is a poison wolf while her mother is a fugitive chaos wolf.

- Her full name is Kuroichi but most calls her by Kuroi, or Ku for short.

- Behaves nothing like a poison wolf due to growing up in the care of another species.

- Is not known to practice cannibalism nor does she feels like doing it.

- She wears two charms, one on her tail with azure stones on it and two rings on both toes on her front paws.

- She has a unique ability yet to be discovered.

- Despite being a poison wolf, she doesn't have the behaviour or the personality of one, she behaves more like a chaos wolf with a mix of psychic due to being raised under Shivani's care.

- Will spend most of her time watching or being inside the water.

- Has a strange fear of amphibians.

- Has a summon yet to be known.

- Has a sister who's a year younger than her, she never met her little sister nor does she knows her existence.

- Before being kidnapped and sold, she lived with her parents outside of the poison forest, her parents were rogues.