Shivani Mortimer



1 year, 3 months ago


(Disclaimer species credit goes to Azurehowlshilach)

Basic information 

Name: - Shivani Mortimer
Nicknames:- The sorceress, Master
Gender: - Female
Age: - 38 years old
Birthday:- May 23th
Species:- Psychic
Status:- Alive
Sexuality: - Aromantic
Physical Description: - {Marked + mutated gem}
Mate:- none
Rank:- Collector / Leader
Summon:- Unknown
Unique ability:- Twisted mind; Holding the power that Shivani does, it comes to no surprise she's mastered an unique ability of her own called,"Twisted mind," with this ability she can erase or plant in false narratives in their mind making wolves forget certain things or believe other events that have transpired when they really haven't, however, depending on the will of the individual itself, and how strong their mental strength is, it can take some time before it starts affecting them, making the individual quite literally forgetting their past or believing certain things have happened when they haven't, permanently, if successful. This unique ability is one that works over long time, as tampering with another wolf's memory is no easy feat, and requires high skill and patience. Some wolves that refuse to bend to it, will have something called fractured memory where they still remember some events partly, but not completely, this can make them quite mentally unstable as they don't know what to believe and what not to believe.
Pack of origin:- Toreiki mountains
Pack/group:- Shivani's group/collection
Classification:- Adult


- Eretria (Earth/light hybrid - abilities of interest;  healing wonder, light guard and sun calling)
- Lune (Shadow species, rare symbols, abilities of interest - Summoning, Shadows)
- Aisha, (Cosmic species, symbols, ability of interest - Cosmic Burst)
- Epione (Poison/mud pure hybrid, symbols, abilities of interest - summoning, poison coat),
- Peltic (Mud species, symbols, ability of interest - Mud sense)
- Aluak (Forester/Cosmic pure hybrid , rare symbols, ability of interest - calculation)
- Ikhe (Chaos/electric hybrid, ability of interest - Unknown)
- Kuroichi (Poison/Chaos pure hybrid, symbols, ability of interest - Unknown)
- Nisha (Water/Ghost hybrid, symbols, ability of interest - Eye of truth) 
- Name (Cosmic species, ability of interest - summoning)
- Tuuli (Poison/Metal pure hybrid, ability of interest - metal scent)
- Sarkan (Blood/electric fusion, abilities og interest - Dragon Scales, Blood Tracker & Dragon Sight)

Personal bounty hunter:- Kiri (Poison/Swamp hybrid, ability of interest - False Security, summoning)

Servants:- Kacey, Devya, Visna, Uoshika, Zimo, Thistle, Streh, Sonoran


Parents:- ...
Siblings:- ...


It is no secret that Shivani possesses a godlike complex, believing she has all the answers or they can only be found by her alone. Selfish and greedy, She wants nothing more than power, prestige, and immortality, and anyone who stands in her way needs to be permanently removed, as she doesn’t want anything to interfere with her plans. While coming off as neutral and yet creepy in some sense, she isn’t known to express any anger even when her servants fail her and instead she known to be quite patient with them, this seems to also be strangely rooted in a want to be worshipped and believed in, but perhaps also the mindset that after all, these are mortals with flaws and weakness, something she doesn’t want to admit she carries, nonetheless, this also seems to indicate a desire that wasn’t fulfilled in her childhood, a need to be appreciated and loved, as her opinion what good are followers if they ain’t devoted to her and her alone, as fear only leads to hatred and disloyalty, and there is no place for that.

She wants to create a world where she oversees it as its sole ruler, a world with her and strangely enough sand wolves, which she seems to oddly have a soft spot for, to her followers she appears like a godlike figure that can take their worries away, they’re often bitter themselves with how things are in the world work and look up to Shivani as something divine, not only because of her mannerisms but also because she has power. Shivani is also known to be charming and with a melodic voice, which is a contrast to her demonic appearance. Shivani is noted to have an obsession with things that contain magical properties, this is anything from rare artifacts, animals, and plants to rare wolves with unique abilities and summonings, as she believes they are the key to her path to becoming a deity.

While she doesn’t treat her collectives the same way as she does her servants, she isn’t noted to be cruel with them, at least not when they do as she orders, as long as they cooperate with her experiments and tests in extracting their power so she can obtain it for herself, she lets them get some extra befits such as extra rest, to charge up, extra food and water, Shivani is persistent when it comes to these experiments, which often lead her collectives feeling exhausted. Wolves from her collection that rebel are often punished with the denial of water or being kept out in the hot scorching sun until they beg for forgiveness, Shivani always wants the victim to feel as if they’re in the wrong for not working with her but against her, this makes the collectives often question themselves if they were really in the right, and many of her collectives even have started to believe that Shivani isn’t a villain, but rather someone with a goal of much more importance than themselves.




  • The name Shivani means life and death
  • Shivani's surname,"Mortimer," means the Dead Sea
  • A common nickname of hers is “The sorceress”
  • End goal to learn to harvest magical powers for herself
  • While she is known to treat her collection quite well, as she doesn’t want to “damage” their elemental power, in case she does find a way to harvest it herself, she does however perform experiments and rituals that can be very draining on her prisoners, which leaves the prisoners exhausted and sleepy
  • She is also known to do dark forms of magic, where she is known to contact Relaytra, it is also rumored she has her own demonic spirit, but this is not confirmed if it’s true.
  • She’s learned the language of the dragons and will often leave her collection in search of ways to find more magical spells or anything that can increase her power.
  • She appreciates loyalty, and treats those that serve her quite well.
  • She seems to be more interested in certain hybrids more than others, especially those with many inherited abilities or stronger elements.
  • Shivani seems only to have sand wolves as servants, which is mostly true due to her viewing them as her people, rather than a power source she needs to learn to harvest, however, she seems to have made an exception for Kiri a poison/swamp hybrid, that serves as her personal hitman, and does more risky and dangerous missions, that she doesn't place her servants in.
  • Shivani is known to have a strong dislike towards other psychic wolves, hence, why she often sends out her servants to eliminate them, after all there can only be one , which is herself
  • While she mostly bases her favorite collectives on their power source and how unique their abilities are, she does, however, seem to have some favoritism towards Kuroichi, being evident in the fact of the privileges Kuroichi has gained that other collectives don't have, although, this wouldn't come as a surprise as Kuroichi is the shining example of a perfect obedient and exceptionally loyal pup towards her collector. Which is exactly what Shivani has molded her to be since a very young pup, others often mistake Kuroichi as Shivani's 'adopted daughter' due to this behavior.