


1 year, 1 day ago



  • Crawfish
  • Peace and Quiet
  • His Sister
  • Being Understood



  • Liars
  • Physical Contact
  • Sudden Loud Noises
  • People
  • Riverstripe
  • Seeing the ones he cares for get hurt



  • Deep Waters
  • Being Forgoten about
  • Losing his sister
  • Losing himself in his anger



  • Cleaning, tiding his den
  • Grooming himself
  • Crystal/stone collecting
  • Star gazing
  • Singing...only when alone
  • Sometimes like to swim...sometimes
  • N/A
  • N/A







 17+ Moons 



 Young Warrior 



 Young Warrior 


Song Name

lone wolf


  •  BloodMoon is an albino Cat, and his red eyes are more sinsitive to bright lights 
  •  After some "training" with his mentor Riverstripe, his claws are more harder and tougher than normal cat claws to the point he can cut and slash into stone 
  •  BloodMoon can sing very well, but know one but his sister knows of his singing. He only sings to his sister, or when hes alone 
  •  Hes not always angry, he just has a resting angry face. He can smile! 

BloodMoon was a caveclan kit born from Frosttuft. Him and his sister Glow ehere born sickly and early, leading to their mother Frosttift to beliving him and his sister where to weak to be considered kits to train to be warriors. He was still close tied with his sister and did almost everything together from very younge age. A bit after he tried to earn her love and affection anyway he could, but to no avail, till one day while playing with his adopted brother Dimkit and adopted sister Wetkit, Dimkit get hurt, Frosttuft quickly got angry and lashed out at Wetkit, but Bloodkit quickly took the blame and Frosttuft lashed out at him, telling him play is for the weak. After that he learned if he wanted affection, he needed to be stronger...or like her.


When he first became an apprentice, he thought he was the most lucky cat alive when he heard his mentor was going to be Riverstripe, the cat known to be the best warrior in caveclan! At first his expectations where high, thinking Rivewrstripe would teaching him everything, how to hunt, how to patrol, how to become a great fighter! But his hopes where quickly shot down when Riverstripe suddenly made him do insade traning he didnt know it was for. He made him slash his small claws into stone over and over again until they bleed. He made him train with teeth and claws instead of no claws and no teeth. Due to his smaller and weaker body, he couldnt handle this type of traiing, it was to much. The only thing he got from it, he grew a pain tolerance and his small claws now grew out longer, stronger, and sharper.------------- Soon after, he would make the biggest mistake of his life so far...attacking a kit by the infulance of his mother. In the fit of his blinding rage after hearing his adopted sister Wetpaw was badly injurged at the hands of Hicorystar, he saw the mate of Hickorystar Mistysand there, and heard his mother saying they attacked Wetpaw, fuiling his rage. Without actully think or understanding whats happening, he lashed out and slashed his claws, in his blinded rage, he didnt know a kit named Thornkit had bot between them and took the blow. Bloodpaw quickly came down from his rage and realized what he had done and guilt ran up his throat. In fear, he ran off, while his mentor Riverstripe watched him do so in anger------------ Next after the kit incendent, Riverstripe, his menotor...turned on him and attacked him, along with his followers Burnwood and Beaverpounce. After badly injuring him and leaving him for dead, he was left new scars on his brow, and along his back and shoulders.----------- Time passes and now during a cave in, him and his mother are stuck in the aftermath of a cavein with the medicen cat named Nightinggalsong imapled by a saligtit begging for death. It filled him with horror and dread, wishing he could help Nightinggalsong. Not wanting to be the one to deal the killing blow, being scared. Frosttuft lashes out and kills Nightinggalsong infront of him. Then shoves his head twoards her dead body, saying he isnt strong eough to handle the lifestyle of a warrior, that hes weak, and will never be what she wants him to be. This is when everything he saw his mother as, a mentor, a figure to look up to, a to him it was all clear she was never any of those. With that, he finally snapped at her., Shouting and yelling, and telling her she was never a mother. After that him and Frosttuft cut ties with each other. But for Bloodpaw, he felt even.

 Warrior Life 

Now a fresh younge warrior after finding a new camp for Caveclan with the help of Nightstalk. Maybe now things will be diffrent with a new look on the world and his clan and his clanemates. This time he finally has a chance to change himself and prove to others he worth it to the clan and to his clan mates...In his own way

Sometimes we're tested,not to show our weakness,but to discover our strength

To be added