


1 year, 7 days ago




17-20+ Moons

Younge Warrior



Nick Jones
DoB Former Kittypet
Sign Aries
Pronouns He/Him
S.O. None yet

Height Larger than Normal
Build Very broad and toned
Eyes Emeraled Green
Fur Color Dark Navy Blue
Paw Color Dark dull Red


Once a former kittypet, now a full memeber as one of Caveclans newest warriors! First unwelcomes by some but was soon treated and respect by others as a part of his new founded home.


  • His deisghn and personality was inspired by an anime character from My Hero Acadamia named Deku!
  • When given the chance, he'll talk and yap for hours and hours on end! Much to his clan mates dismay.
  • He dosnt tell Ravenstar this, but he often looks up to her like a mother figure in many ways.
  • His favriate prey item are large fish, Crawfish, and when he can catch one, birds
  • Hes often very ubeat and friendly to everyone he meets, even to people who dosnt show the same back. But dont underestimate him as his weakness, he has a side no one has seen if pushed to far, he'll quickly be your worst nightmare...
Hunting Skills

Extroverted Introverted
Instinctive Calculated
Deceptive Sincere
Indifferent Emotional
Reserved Affectionate
Cooperative Lone wolf
Special Ability Blends into dark, shadowed areas
Attitude None?
Good traits Kind,Helpfull,Loyal,caring
Bad Traits Clingy,sensitive,kind of obsesive


Large Fish/Crawfish/Birds


The smell of Rain

Fire Red

Moon flower







Born as a kittypet, he had it good for the first weeks in his life, living with a ill human that treated them well, and living with his mother Luna. Everything was perfect, he had food given to him everyday, he could play when ever he wanted, he had play mates as neaighboors, and sometimes his Aunt Taffy would come and visit! What could have been better? But good things dont always last... One night after asking his mother who his father was, she told him that hes not someone you want to meet and to leave it at that. He wasnt satified with this awnser, so at night he snuck out, with his chest out with a mission to find his father, not knowing what truly waites him outside the white fence...

After leaving the safty of his home, Simon ventured out onto the streets on the search for his father with only knowing he was a very big cat with the same plet color as him and ice blue eyes. He would soon come across a very large strange figure in some rubish and trash by a twoleg home. The neive young kit he was, he thought it could have been his father. He ran up smiling before stopping, seeing who or what it trully was. A massive dog with a collar. Simon was froze in his spot as the dog saw him and slowly inshed to him. Without a second thought, Simon bolted, back twoards his home, only for the dog to chase after him. Much to his dismay the small cat flap door was locked. He paniched and screamed out for his mother before he bolted out once the dog had reached him, Soon after another dog joined in the chase, and he ran down a allyway bewteen fences and into the open woods.... Later one after running day and night, hiding up trees, and then eventully lossing the dogs, he had ran to exhustion while walking in a hot sandy area, his paws sore, painfull, and cracked, blood dripping from bewteen the cracks. Simon collaped behind a boulder to hide from the intense sun to restm, but soon passed out from exhustion....until a small cat with a leave around their neck finds him. The stranger helps Simon up and tells him to go to a place called Caveclan for help. He didnt know what he ment, or what he was talking about but he did, walking with his sore paws, never seeing that kind cat again. After making it to the place, he was meet with nothing but mounds of rocks and grass. He wasnt sure if he was tricked until suddenly, the grounjd benith him gave way into a sinklkhole. Simon fell down into a large empty cave, hurting his leg in the prosess. He would cry out loud, crying out for his mother, wishing he never left in the middle of the night, so determaned to find his father. Time passes before he was found once again, but by an unexpected cat he would have no idea would change everything in his life. Along came a dirty white cat..with red eyes? Simon was shocked to see a cat with fire ruby eyes like those...Soon 2 more cats came, same age and helped Simon with his leg. Learning their names as Dimpaw, Wetpaw, and Bloodpaw. A few moons later, he joins the clan, and is given his new name,Nightpaw. He has quickly learned of the ways of the clan, the people there, and got new friends quickly. But what comes next at a gathering...will change everything for him one more. Being acused of taking someone,soon Duneclans started to surround him yelling and shouting at him. Soon a younger cat of the name Dustpaw attackes him by clawing his shoulder. After that, he learns more about the clan drama between caveclan and duneclan...and how he may have caused something horrible to adcure in the future..


Many many moons have passed since the incedent at the gathering, cave in, deaths, and meeting eneimies. But now, things are finally looking up. NightStalk had helped with the discory of Caveclans new camp with none other BloodMoon. Since his timehere, hes grown very fond of BloodMoon, even if Bloodmoon dosnt seem to fond of Nightstalk. He hopes as new warriors and in a new camp, he can be good friends with BloodMoon, and help him in any way he can.

To be Added



  • Exploring
  • BloodMoon
  • Telling Stories
  • The color Red
  • Swimming
  • Drama
  • Tense Senarios
  • Summer
  • Fights
  • Being Alone

Treat people with Kindness