


11 months, 20 days ago


Aelius "Eels" Ravindra Breezy Secretary
Name Aelius Ravindra

Age 30

Pronouns he/him

Gender Cis Male

Race Zephyr (Sirin)

Height 5'9"

Nicknames Eels, Aeli, Blight

Job Solaris Operator


Aelius is a laid-back and generally cheerful guy that seems to be buddy-buddy with mostly anyone. He's nice and easy to talk to, having a smile plastered onto his face most of the time. Though as laid-back as he can be, his patience is finite and can definitely become stern if the situation calls for it. Other than that, he's a responsible and hard-working individual that others can rely on.

Born and raised on Alyus, Aelius has taught and disciplined himself on the principles of Nichrin, specifically the Gale. Being inspired by the culture upon moving to Solaria, he put his own spin into the martial art through the use of breakdancing, being able to manipulate wind currents and apply air pressure with sweeping leg motions and power moves.

With his Electrical GreatHarp (affectionately named The Surfari), he is also able to use rap to blow away his opponents. The impact is amplified if the bars connect and flow well but if he fumbles his line or breaks his flow, the combo is broken.

  • Aelius's voice claim is Ron Stoppable (voiced by Will Friedle). Click the icon on the right to hear his voice claim!
  • Aelius has very questionable choices in fashion outside of his beachwear, having a closet full of neon clothes with tacky patterns and tie-dye.
  • Aelius has mild claustrophobia, being uncomfortable around low ceilings specifically.
  • Aelius has an overwhelming fear of dogs and canines in general. Something about the way they bare their teeth and stick their tongue out just seems gross and weird...
Design Notes
  • Aelius's hair is shaped like a star and his tail feathers are meant to look like a comet tail
  • He has markings on his face and palms, making them look like untanned spots.
  • The shine on Eels's sunglasses is shaped like a crescent to look like zephyr pupils.
  • He has an underbite and drawn with fangs when pushing his expression.
  • summer
  • the beach
  • small talk
  • vibrant colors and patterns
  • winter
  • awkward silence
  • extreme formality
  • gossip
Character Name

Relationship Type

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Character Name

Relationship Type

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HTML by LeafJelly

 ♪ Wipe Out - The Surfaris ♪