Zoe's Comments


Carb0n, you've won this raffle with your entry number 20 ! Congratulations ^^ I will send this character over now, along with marking your account as the owner on the website <3image.png

faved and subscribed, member of aerolin th world :D

Thank you for participating πŸ’– !! Your numbers are:

[46, 47]

favorited both, joined the th world, subbed and made a bulletin!! :D https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1329904.aerolin-raffle

Thank you for participating πŸ’– !! Your numbers are:

[42, 43, 44, 45]

faved both, joined the th world, and subbed!

Thank you for participating πŸ’– !! Your numbers are:

[39, 40, 41]

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Thank you for participating πŸ’– !! Your numbers are:

[35, 36, 37, 38]

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joined th world, subbed, and faved this + chiffon!!

Thank you for participating πŸ’– !! Your numbers are:

[32, 33, 34]

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Small poke you have to fav this specific Aero's profile as well before I give you your numbers ^^ ! Unless my notifs are bugging out rn nvfdvfd

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Should've clarified, sorry about that ! I mean you have to favorite the Aerolin Raffle ^^; Favoriting him earns you an extra entry, but only if you do the required steps (Me a member, fav this raffle, comment.)

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No problem ! Thank you for participating πŸ’– !! Your numbers are:

[48, 49]

Joined group as Platypus10000 on DA! Faved this, Chiffon, and subbed!

Thank you for participating πŸ’– !! Your numbers are:

[29, 30, 31]

joined group!!

faved this, faved chiffon, and subbed!!!

Thank you for participating πŸ’– !! Your numbers are:

[26, 27, 28]

Hi! I’m puggby on dA! I just joined the group and put in a request to join the TH group as well! I’ve favourited this raffle AND chiffon! I’ve also subscribed to you and posted a bulletin which can be found here https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1316763.raffle

Thank you for participating πŸ’– !! Your numbers are:

[22, 23, 24, 25]

Skips around did everything but the bulletinΒ 

I'm majoku on dA lawl

Thank you for participating πŸ’– !! Your numbers are:

[19, 20, 21]

Ding dong! Also faved Chiffon

Thank you for participating πŸ’– !! Your numbers are:

[17, 18]

Faved Chiffon, and subbed!! <33 Thank you for doing this! >W<

Thank you for participating πŸ’– !! Your numbers are:

[14, 15, 16]

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Thank you for participating πŸ’– !! Your numbers are:

[11, 12, 13]

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Thank you for participating πŸ’– !! Your numbers are:

[8, 9, 10]

All steps done, I’m also TaishoBee on da.Β 

I’m a member of the assembly there too. Requested world membership here.Β 

Faved Chiffon +subbed

bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1316389.f2e-aerolin-raffle-nm

Thank you for participating πŸ’– !! Your numbers are:

[4. 5, 6, 7]

You’re welcome, thank you so much!

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Thank you for participating πŸ’– !! Your numbers are:

[1, 2, 3]