Dolin Fulindurn



6 years, 24 days ago

Basic Info

Age/Birthday: 39, December 23

Pronouns: He/Him

Height: 5' 6"

Species: Elf

Kingdom: WhiteWater, the Classic Kingdom

Class: Ranger

Weapon of choice: Bow and Arrow bless by Fiv

Teammate: Arthur and Fernando

Likes: his kingdom, showing off, annoying arthur, being loyal to the royal family

Dislikes: being embrassed by xarcans antics, getting his clothing dirty, nosy people

Wanted Reward: Marriage into royal family




of a noble family who was lucky to grow up in the castle walls of Whitewater, a young child who grew up on stories of the dragon wars, from a young age having the importance of their community and the role they play from a young age. 

Dolins family was well known, living close in the walls of the castle with the royal family and often members being married off to high ranking members of the court. 

However for Dolin, knowing this was his family way, but also knowing himself to be a bastard of the current king. Conceived after the marriage of the king and queen Dolin was rightful heir to the throne, direct linage, and no one could ever know. His existence would stir up their kingdom and turn the people on their king. 

So Dolin put himself into work, learning his families keen archery skills and taking his free time to fantasizing of being a prince or a normal member of his family who was meant to marry rich. all not for him. 

Dolin took his path and poured it into learned the finest skills from the guards of the castle and how to behave as someone with the important role of keeping taimats lair secure instead of a pretty face to be married off. Dolin was a graceful, powerful and well mannered elven man who was well learned in the history of Whitewater, and came to love his life that he had. 

When the Monarchy lost their leader and hadn't a heir to the throne, Dolin felt this pull to find his place and speak up as someone who could fill in the role of a new ruler. However Xarcan, a common man took power over the throne. he was popular enough with the people, and too strong to just be forced out, especially with the annual race coming up so soon they told no one of the event and had Xarcan act as leader until they could replace him.

Dolin is quite personally upset with this outcome feeling Xarcan has no place at all on the throne and someone who was entrusted by the royal family should have at least taken the throne and not some Brute.

Dolin a bit bitter about Xarcans leadership now waits bitterly for things to work out. 

Dolins companions Frenado and Auther both haven't been told of Dolins true story and are unaware that Dolin has taken the Royal Families bow. keeping is disguised, Using the powerful god blessed bow with his given genes.