King Xarcan



5 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info

Age/Birthday: 23, November 26

Pronouns: He/Him

Height: 6' 4"

Species: Human

Class: Fighter

Weapon of Choice: Varies, usually big swords

"Partner": Dolan Fulindurn

Likes: Fighting, cool weapons, heros, epic stories of adventures, chickens

Dislikes: Lying, upsetting people he likes, monsters

Job: Gladiator




The new king of Whitewater, a very recent ruler and not of the royal bloodline.

Whitewater is a kingdom of traditions, keeping to the old ways and being quite stuck in the past. Xarcan grew up poor and made money fighting in the ring. he grew to have a point of view that the strongest will lead the weak, but you have to fight to lead. 

he was one of the top fighters in the ring, a event often watched by the royal family and Xarcan while enjoying fighting for the entertainment and proving himself he found it sicking to watch people who haven't ever struggled in their life be in that podium watching down on him. he felt that the royal didn't deserve what they had and he did. 

So little to say the royal family dwindled down in numbers quickly out of no were as a sickness broke out in the castle walls. no ones quite sure what caused it but the suddenness and the very concentration of the royal family growing ill cause for suspicion. (little known that an attack from tiamat worshipers came from inside the walls personally causing the illness of the family)

then it happened, the current ruler passed without an heir. no one of the royal family was able to take the throne when it happened. all living family was too young, too old or married off in other kingdoms. the council was working to get the problem fixed when Xarcan made his move.

Xarcan invited himself into the throne room of Whitewater castle, and simply told the court that he was their new king. people objected and there were people who tried to stop him physically but his years training he did was he always wanted, proved himself a leader. no one was able to take him out physically and lawfully they were having to take their time looking for someone who can properly take the throne.

typically they would have just gotten Xarcan to leave eventually but he had the people voice on his side, people wanted a leader who came from their root who wanted to improve society and do good in leading his people. 

all this happening while the kingdom was getting ready to send out some their best guards to the races to protect the future of the kingdom. Whitewater was in no state to deal with xarcan, find a new ruler and deal with what might be the end of the world for them all at once. so the council decided to let Xarcan lead while the races went on, get the big thing out of the way and let Xarcan play god for a second. 

Xarcan knows no one in the kingdom is taking his leading skills seriously, but he sticking too it. he claiming  the throne and has left himself open to challenges to anyone who feels they can best him in a fight to lead insteed (he's been undefeated to far to anyone that even wants to try and rule instead) Xarcan spends his days working with those who will work with him to invent and work to improve Whitewater, get it into a better stander like the other kingdoms do. finally take the dragon tech they stored away and use it. his afternoons are spent fighting in the ring till the sun gowns down and its time for his dinner.

Xarcan while only have the throne for a short while has been living it up. he made a few experimental creations with the dragon tech, a washing machine thats gone rouge and started stealing clothing, a power source to start putting electricity into homes, his pet chicken he brought back to life as a cockatrice, and the biggest thing that he was working up to, dinosaurs. 

Xarcan got far enough into the dragon tech and learned the secret to biological tech that he was not only able to create weapons and strong energy sources with it but was able to bring back life. however with life he cant seem to get it to come back without dragonic features heavily influenced into it. 

Xarcan waits for the racers to return home to show what he's been able to accomplish and get their approval. also he cant get the council to settle on what to do until the race issue is over so yknow bummer. 

Xarcan ultimately wants to make a better Whitewater and take down the monarchy!