


8 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Sauvignon, Sauvi




Cocky and Snobby


Cabernet Sauvignon


Grapes of Wrath, Rapier Gills (Loosely, gang belongs to Anarnee)


Sauvignon doesn't have much memory of his family, but from what he's learned, he'd prefer to keep it that way. He was sold by his uncle to a wealthy human family as a trophy pet. This didn't last terribly long, however, as Sauvignon killed and devoured them in retaliation. He kept the home for himself, and learned a lot about wine, as the family had an expansive collection. This act of savagery seemed to exhaust Sauvi's typical shark nature, and he resolved himself to being a shark of class and knowledge. When he returned to the Jelly Sea, he found himself in a place of esteem, with others eager to have his knowledge of this exquisite beverage imposed upon them.
Sauvignon reconnected with his sister Chardonnay around this time, having discovered her fate was similar, and, as siblings sometimes do, she had developed the same interests as he did. They reconnected with other cousins as well before another shark in the wine scene found out about Sauvi, and took the siblings under her wing so the three of them could build a business together. Sauvignon is happy to have a lifestyle that suits his needs, and he hopes to plan for the long term of having some sort of revenge on his shady uncle.


[Gang info]

There is a powerful gang well camouflaged in the Jelly Sea, and that is the Grapes of Wrath. Secretly operating out of a wine bar, Riesling leads her gang in intel gathering and information selling. Her bar serves as a trap of sorts, as sharks come in, become inebriated, and leave after the charming hosts and hostesses of the gang have squeezed as much info out of them as possible. They then take to the market with their information and have assisted countless other gangs in the process. They have gained wealth and power through these operations, but their influence remains minor. While they want their name to be known in the underground market, the Grapes of Wrath do not wish to be a spectacle. Each member is content enjoying the lavish wealth that the lucrative business provides, and it's more of a job than anything! The members are part gang member and part bar employee.
Sauvignon is essentially the second in command, and the shark who originally dreamed up the idea of the gang. While he holds a small personal grudge towards Riesling, he still likes her personally, and concedes that she has done a wonderful job. He tends to stay out of the social and dirty work aspects of the job, preferring to book keep and spend time with his sister.