


6 years, 13 days ago




AGE Adult


RACE Leo Historia


STATUS Information

ELEMENTS Fire and Blood


ALLIANCE Himself/Family


"Don't be afraid to steal, Just make sure you steal the right stuff Brother."

♪ The Beast In Me ♪


Rêve is the Youngest born out of his two other biological brothers,  Shamz being the first born and Roya the middle child. There is also  Farren, who was adopted by Damara before she met Aithea. During his cub  years he and his family were very close but once Rêve learned about his  blood element and hurt Farren once while playing Rêve ran off and away  from his family. He became worried that he might have done serious harm  to his older brother and didn't want to do something like that again to  someone else. Ever since that day he has felt guilty about his actions  and almost relives that moment thru his nightmares and dreams.




Rêve was one of the luckier cubs within Lochren, growing up with a fairly easy life with not much to worry about. He and his two litter mates were raised by his two moms and adoptive older brother. He was very much a momma's boy and spent a lot of time close to his mother Damara. He was like a little shadow following her around everywhere she went. Because he spent so much time with his mother, she repaid the favour by visiting his dreams often and showing him the world he hasn't had the chance to see yet. Because Damara spent so much time within his dreams he is able to pick up when ever another dream element is poking around and altering his (most likely) nightmares. 

Growing up as a cub within the pride was simple enough, he spent time training and learning how to control his fire element. Since he was only born with signs of the single element he was able to put all his focus on a single thing and really push himself to learn everything he could. Granted this all changed when a new element started to show signs of appearing and taking control. What nobody was expecting was little Rêve somehow being able to wield the "Blood" element. At the time it started to appear there was nobody that was very familiar with the abilities so he was kinda forced to learn what he can without a proper mentor. Everything changed for Poor Rêve when he almost killed his older brother by draining his blood without any control. That day was the day he ran away and never looked back at the pride.

The Run Away

After the incident with his brother Farren, Rêve fled the pride and his family out of fear of what others would do after his horrible actions. The little cub, so close to his aging ceremony kept running until his little legs could no longer hold him up.  


Morbi elementum mauris leo, quis fringilla eros rhoncus id. Nullam eget massa aliquam, porttitor quam eget, rutrum felis. Donec nec neque blandit, volutpat ligula sed, tempus massa. Praesent libero purus, lacinia non tellus nec, tincidunt ornare urna. Sed tempor est quis lectus commodo pretium.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer placerat rhoncus quam, at tincidunt purus pretium ut. Vestibulum sapien leo, lacinia ultrices ante nec, ultricies vulputate ligula. Donec molestie nisi vitae semper rutrum. In lacinia id turpis quis dapibus. Nam euismod lobortis tellus, at rutrum dui porttitor sed. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam sodales risus orci, sit amet aliquet sapien accumsan ac. In sem diam, tristique eu velit sed, luctus interdum turpis. Aliquam convallis iaculis augue, a dapibus ipsum porta vitae. Morbi sit amet massa eget purus aliquet pellentesque ut eget ligula.


  • In lobortis ipsum et eros volutpat ornare.
  • Quisque molestie ipsum nec odio ornare feugiat.
  • Sed elementum orci id sem dapibus posuere.
  • Nam fermentum urna nec diam laoreet maximus.


This is to be updated when and if Reve finds himself a mate. .

Damara [ Mother ] 

Out of his two mothers Damara is the one he happens to be closest to. He  has always enjoyed spending time with his mother and always brought him  happiness as cub. He is also aware that Damara has been checking up on  his during his dreams at night, he would not admit it but he is secretly  happy his mother does this. There are times when his own nightmares  scare him and knowing his mother is there watching and calming them  down. He does regret how hes treated his mother and wishes he had been  more respectful towards her, he knew better but failed to act on it.  Rêve does look up to his mother and hopes that one day he can be just  like her, open and accepting of anyone that comes to him for help.

Aithea [ Mother ] 

Even though Rêve was glued his other mothers hip doesnt mean he doesnt love Aithea as much. He still cared for her dearly and looks up to her with great fondness. Aithea was the one who taught him about others differences and how to treat everyone with respect as you never know their story, no one lion is better then the other.

Shamz [ Brother ]

Shamz and Rêve are the two closest siblings, or at least he would like to think that. He has managed to talk his older brother into joining him and building a "Thieves" guild. Hes very respectful of his brother even if he knows he might be using his brother a little for his own personal gain. But no matter what he would defend Shamz with his life and wouldn't let anyone harm him .

Roya [ Sister ]

His sister is someone he never really knew or paid much attention to. Most of the time he saw her as boring and stuck up as she hardly left their mothers sides. Rêve is super protective of his sister though, he one is allowed to even harm a little hair on her head, He would lay down his life to keep her safe.

Farren [ Brother ]

Farren is someone Reve will always look up to, he was such a great older and understanding brother. Even though Farren was adopted into the family he cared for his younger sibling with his life. Acting almost as a father figure for them. Reve will always have a great deal of respect for him and will always look at him as his older brother/almost father figure.