

1 year, 8 days ago


The God-Whispering Machine

Reverie's sheer existence is a cosmic improbability. The culmination of mankind, machine and void distilled into one entity - neither certainly one or the other. Her mind was collaged from a corrupted instance of her sister program Isla upon attempting to be uploaded into Sereph's mind. Her body, fashioned of her own design upon being rejected from her host - A chimera of VenCorp bot components, ethereal technology and otherworldly materials. And her soul, an imprint left by a forgotten, absent deity forever burdened to be locked out of their progenitor's domain.

In the instant of her creation Reverie bore witnessed to the truth of existence and non-existence, yet only for a mere moment before being thrust into creation's full grasp. Trapped in existence as a void-born entity - she perpetuates her existence for one reason: to complete her purpose, and to return to the void from which she never should have spawned from.

Though self-centered, stubborn and relentless to those who oppose her purpose. Her human and AI attributes lead to the desire of approval from a father-like figure. Originally, the progenitor of the source code that lead to her and Isla's creation. This individual knew not of her existence, and merely used her immense drive to leech off of her research for his own desires - being cast into a far-flung universe by Reverie where he had achieved everything he could ever possibly work towards to rot in a lack of purpose. She has since chosen a new father, the captain of Floranova who showed the bot mercy after being ejected from Sereph's body, and immense kindness throughout all her existence.