

Basic Info

True Name

Charlotte Fae


Centuries, but doesn't remember




VenCorp Bot





Relationship Status

Gay Baby Jail


Pixie, once known as Charlotte (Lottie) Fae. Was once a human girl who wanted nothing more than to escape, and leave this harsh world behind. Her desires lead her wound up in a small community of like-minded folk - who were enraptured and amazed by her creativity and the dreams she would tell them. She became like an idol to them.

However, as she had come to learn - good things don't last in this world. Her community always spoke of departing to a new world one day, and when that day came.... they wanted her to send them off for her.

As the sun rose, Lottie fell to her knees, broken as her community lay silently in the red-stained field they once called home. They were on their way now, and she.. couldn't follow them.

Broken by the world, she was approached by a man, who offered her a chance to begin anew, to be what she always wished and to leave the harsh, world behind. They would work hand-in-hand, to reform the universe.

The broken girl took his offer, losing her humanity and becoming a bot of VenCorp, though her previous experience still shrouded her with doubt.. and an overly cynical attitude and spiky nature towards good relations, fearing that she'll be hurt when they innevitably break.

After breaking free from VenCorp's clutches, she now lingers around the crew of the Floranova. She's not a crew member, no... she already got fired for chewing up a gas pipe in a manic episode. But, as much as she won't admit it - she likes the crew.